
MDO Spring Program

Thursday, the girls sang in the MDO Spring Program.  

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree--AG was in her element...

I didn't record the actual program (Graham was in the back with his camera), but here's a little exerpt from rehersal.  (far cry from the actual program)

  MDO Spring Program from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

After the program, we enjoyed some refreshments.  Everyone (and by everyone, I mean everyone) stopped by to tell AG how well she sang.  She ate it up and later I spotted her "working the room" by walking the perimeter and letting people dote on her!  She's a ham!

I don't want to leave Edy out--she did good too.  She sang occasionally and did her hand motions occasionally and really didn't care that her big sister's performance was getting OSCAR and TONY award-winning buzz.



Out of the Mouths of Babes...

Today I took the girls to the new playground in  Bullard.  We were the only ones there for some time, but a little family of three showed up just before we had to leave.  The little boy (approx. 4 years old) started playing with AG and that's when this convo went down:

Boy to me (completely confused): Why is your stomach so big?
AG to boy (quite snobbish): There's a baby in her tummy.
Boy: WHOA!!! ARE YOU SERIOUS? A real live baby?
AG (frustrated at this point): *sigh* Yes, her name is Joy Tatum.
Boy (emphatically): I don't EVER want that to happen to me!!!!!!
It was so hysterical and I promplty found his dad to fill him in on the conversation.  BTW, AG proceeded to set the little boy straight (and ease his nerves)Boys can't have babies-- just girls, silly.


a little update

Last week, I had labs drawn to check my platelet count.  I've opted not to have these labs drawn at every office visit ONE: because they are expensive and TWO: because there's nothing I can really do to increase the levels anyway.  Since I'm getting closer to my due date, the doctor wanted to draw the labs to check my counts.  Remember, I've had lower than normal counts for some time.  This may result in being put under general anesthetic at the time of delivery.  You can read about my rare little condition HERE and HERE.  Anyway, my levels have increased to an almost normal level.  WOW!  The nurse said that it's rare for this to happen!   I am SO thankful.  Hopefully, they will stay at this level for a couple of weeks so my c-section can go ahead as planned.  I'm really excited about the news.

I'll leave you with this...

Edy's MDO teacher texted me this pic.  Apparently, she is mimicking someone she knows.  I'm not at all sure who, though!

Spring Tea

Yesterday, we had our annual Spring Tea at church.  I just love dainty china, finger foods, and good fellowship with great women. 
 {my date}
This was Edy's very first tea.  She loved it; the food, the china, and the friends. Did I mention the food?  Yeah, she really liked that!

Mrs. Ficklin shared her story--the love story between her and her husband.
(their wedding pic is  a few pics down)

{Katie and her precious little girl}

The Ficklin's--almost 65 years of wedded bliss!

Did I mention that Edy liked the food?

I was asked to speak about a time when, at least in retrospect, I could really see God's hand weaving out the details in my life.  *Ahem*  Wow! That's a pretty broad topic with SO many possibilities, but I used the ole' blog to help me along.  I shared our story--the one I posted in mid-August.  Many of the women probably didn't know about our struggle with secondary infertility, but I thought it fitting with just a couple of weeks until our little Joy arrives.  


Finishing Touches...maybe

Yes, I am still putting the finishing touches on Joy's room.  I do believe I said that it may never be finished.  That's just how I roll--things are always a'changin'!  I got a few more treasures from my favorite antique store and a few little gifts that have helped to complete the room.

Just being honest, shelves scare me--always have.  I have a fear of over-accessorizing and having a cluttered-mess as a result.  I don't want the things I'm trying to highlight to get lost in the midst of other stuff and lose their significance. Does anyone else have this problem? 

This shelf is quickly approaching the cluttered-look, but I need the baskets to store toys and I don't have another place in the room to showcase some of the little things that have been given to me.  It'll do...for now.

I'm in love with blue Mason jars.
Thanks, Kels!

I found this framed, painted ceramic tile at my go-to antique shop.  I mostly got it for the driftwood frame, but I love the almost gaudy painted roses, too.  I like the appeal and height it adds to an otherwise dull space above the bookshelf.

The frame is just what I had in mind.

Someone gave me the four-photo frame (I think it came from Wal-Mart).  I took out the glass and painted it cream and instead of using its stand, I hung it.  What do you think?  Do you think it needs photos/fabric/scrappy-paper?  I kinda like the 'less-is-more' look (again, I don't want to get too cluttered), but sometimes it's good to get another opinion.  Every time AG looks at it, she suggests photos that I should put in it.  Ha!  She doesn't get my abstract concept!

I added a few new plates to my little cluster.
Thanks, Kelsey, for the scalloped one with the flowers.  It's perfect.
I picked up the floral candle holder to complete the look.

Totally unrelated to decorating, but I got the glowworm filled with new batteries!  My girls loved it!

I picked up the floral cross-stitch for a whopping 7 bucks.  It's a nice homemade touch and I love its green matte.

This birdcage picture/keepsake holder is perfect for displaying some pictures of Joy's big sisters.

I got this little frame at one of my showers.  'Bundle of Joy' is perfectly fitting!

For a complete tour of Baby Joy Tatum's room, click HERE.


Happy Birthday, Gran!

I want to wish my Gran a happy birthday (tomorrow).  In honor of her day, I thought I'd share some old pics I came across...

My Gran and I have always shared a special bond.  She just gets me...you know what I mean?

Happy, happy, birthday GRAN!  I love you!
Gran, these are the pics I was telling you about.  Do you remember when and where these were taken?


kale chips

I made kale chips for the first time and I'm pretty pleased!
I found a recipe on Pinterest that seemed easy enough.  You can check it out HERE.  I think my chips are a little overcooked even though I followed the recipe exactly (it could be the difference in our ovens).  The recipe called for a 425 degree oven with a cooking time of 45-60 minutes.  At about 25 minutes in, I realized that they needed to come out asap.  Next time, I will probably decrease my oven temp and lessen the cooking time.  Other than that, they are really pretty tasty and all the fam chomped down on them.

We've been pretty healthy eaters throughout our marriage and gradually we have made more and more healthy eating choices.  Although I ADORE me some fast food, (like, seriously!) I eat it sporadically.  I don't think that Arby's curly fries will kill ya every once in a while!  It's all about moderation!!   My kids eat really healthy, but I'm not opposed to letting them munch on some sugary goodness from time to time!  they.are.kids.  Basically, I was raised on Little Debbie's (ask my mom) and I turned out okay as far as I know!

I have to take a second to brag on my bff, my hubby!  
A few weeks ago, he buckled down and started a new work-out program, changed some of his eating habits (less snacking and smaller portion size), and to date he has lost 22 pounds.  Granted, it's not a good idea for husbands to diet while their wives are pregnant and putting on the pounds; I'm proud of him nonetheless!


pics w/commentary comin' right up...

My wonderful parents just spent a few days in New Orleans for the Women's NCAA Final Four.  They sent me this pic and it put a smile on my face.  I love 'em!

Loving all of the free monogram downloads on Pinterest.  I made a new prayer journal last week using one of the monogram freebies.

Just a couple of gals hanging out, munchin' on some popsicles, and watching their daddy mow the lawn.  I love spring!

What a good daddy to watch BARBIE with his babe.  He never ceases to amaze me!

More spring beauty. The road to our house--we're just around the corner on the left behind all of that wonderful allergy-inducing goodness.

Joy Tatum's visitor treats are all ready to go.  It's one of those things that's completely unnecessary, but I enjoy doing it and did it for the other two.

Our rosebush got it's first bloom.  Take my word for it...this bloom smells wonderful!

That's all.

Another Shower

This year, I have had the privilege of working at a MDO program two days a week.  It has been such a blessing and answer to prayer because my pay check each month has covered all of my doctor visit costs after insurance pays their portion (which ain't much--but I'm thankful to have maternity coverage!) I'm so humbled by God's providence and provisions in working out the details of this job and pay before I even knew I would need it! 

Right now, we have three ladies on staff at MDO that are pregnant (including myself).  Yeah, the don't drink the water joke is never far from conversation. :)  Since we are all pretty close in our due dates (with Joy coming first) the staff gave all three of us a wonderful joint shower. 


It was a great shower and I am so thankful!