

Five on Friday

I'm finally getting around to printing my blog with Blog 2 Print.  I'm not spending a ton of money or doing anything snazzy, just printing it in b&w and soft cover.  I should have been doing this all along because it's much harder now that I have seven years worth of posts to print!

I made a little graphic for the cover of my books.

My cuties tried to cheer on the Longhorns in the tournament.  Oh Well!  They sure do look cute!
I want to SCREAM and PUNCH SOMETHING when this happens...

Who's with me?

At 6.5, AG finally lost her first tooth!!!!  

sorry...blurry phone pic

We don't know how it happened, but our little Joy got her first black eye--AT TEN MONTHS!!!  That's way too early for a shiner!

She's pulling up on everything and we think she may have fallen in her crib.

Y'all come back on Monday for the features from the Happy Hostess Link Party.  


Five on Friday

I just love FIVE on FRIDAY!!  I like being able to share little snippets from our week, but I also like having a quick little record of it as well.

We got a new KRUPS (G's favorite) coffeepot this week.  It is beautiful and brews perfectly!  Five years ago, I would have never pegged myself as a big coffee drinker, but now I can't start my day without it.  I have to have a dash of cream, though.  No black coffee for me.  Have y'all seen this?

My big girls stayed with Na and Pops over Spring Break.  On Saturday, we met half-way to pick them up and eat breakfast at Cracker Barrel.

 The girls with Na and Pops

 Joyful was so excited to see her big sisters!!
I must admit, I'm not a fan of huge bows (sorry, y'all) but this one was too adorable to pass up.  

The weather has been wonderful!!  We've been spending all of our afternoons outside!

Uncle Corey pre-ordered a special movie and it arrived on Tuesday!  Can you guess the movie???

FROZEN!!!  I have some happy little girls!

Don't forget to link-up to my linky party, Happy Hostess, on Monday.  I'm going to be sharing a very simple and cheap party decoration from AG's fourth bday party. *I've been shocked at the number of times it has been pinned on my old domain's pinterest board.  

Remember, any post (old or new) dealing with parties: decorations, party treats, showers, wedding receptions, future party ideas, etc. are welcome!  Check out the features from the last party HERE

Thanks for stopping by, y'all.  I'm headed to take my littles to see Mr. Peabody and Sherman!  Hope to see you Monday!


Did you miss these posts?


Kitchen Mini-Makeover

Over Spring Break, while my kids were with their grandparents, I made some changes in my kitchen.  All in all, the changes were minor, but they really changed and updated the look of the place.  

Before pics:
The color, Valspar: Prairie Days,  was wearing me out!  I've wanted something lighter and brighter.  Also, after lots of Pinterest browsing, I decided to paint the lower cabinets.

The new colors:
These colors are much darker on this virtual swatch than in person: Woodlawn Snow for the walls and Oregon Dunes for the lower cabinets.

*Drumroll Please*

I just love the lighter walls! It's a little hard to see the contrast of the lower cabinets in these photos, but the change is really nice.

I really like how my dining chairs pop against the lighter wall.  Before, they were camouflaged against the yellow-beige walls.

I didn't do anything new or special with my decor.  I liked it before, so why spend money changing it!?  If it ain't broke...

I made some new curtains.  I'm a sucker for IKAT!

I like how my barstools look against my freshly painted cabinets.  *Again, it's hard to see the update in these pictures.

A little better pic of the contrast between the lower and upper cabinets

If you scroll up to the 'before pics', you'll see that the counter tops merge with the cabinetry.  They looked really dingy and dirty before, but the new paint made all the difference!

My "no-sew" valances--I'll be sharing more on these in an upcoming post.

One last before and after:



Up next:
  • tips for painting cabinetry:  going from oil-based paint to latex paint
  • no-sew valances
Did you get to check out my guest post over at Nikki's Nacs?  If not, head over there to get the details on how I did all of these kitchen updates for just under $200!

Linking up: Dimples and Tangles: Best of Nest, Craft Dictator, It's Overflowing


TIPS For a Better Looking Fireplace

To all my friends with wood-burning fireplaces: 
When winter ends and spring begins, the fireplace takes on a dreary appearance.  You know this, don't your?!  Not only is it soot covered and dirty, it's also empty, lonely, and a bit of an eyesore.

For years, I haven't really given it much thought. Something has been off, but I've not stopped to think about why! I've decorated my mantel for the changing seasons, but just chalked-up the ugly cavity below as part of it!

Recently, I took a long look at the fireplace--like really looked at it.  I thought, Oh my! that's ugly--really ugly!!!  Once I came to that place of realization, I was able to get my plan together and set it into motion.

TIP 1:  Clean out the fireplace.  

It goes without saying, but get rid of all the winter's ashes, wood, and soot!

It's a dirty job, but someone has to do it!

TIP 2:  Store the fireplace gear in the attic until next year.

I cannot tell you how many years my fireplace tools, grate, and screen have been propped up on the hearth during spring and summer for no reason--no purpose at all but to collect dust.  I'm not the only one that does this either.  Many of us leave these items out because we just don't think about it.  WHY is that?  How hard is it to take these things to the garage, attic, or shed until they are actually needed? Get them out!!!

Better?  Sort of.  

TIP 3: Paint the inside of the fireplace.

I mean, really?  That is U-G-L-Y!
  I will never understand why these fireplace inserts are white.  

Yes, that's spray paint!  No worries!  I simply opened the windows for lots of ventilation, threw down a drop cloth to protect the hearth (I didn't have any messes), and lightly sprayed the three walls.  It only took one light coat and a grand total of FIVE minutes!  FIVE minutes, y'all!!

TIP 4:  Fill the fireplace with something natural!

I chose some nice, round logs to fill my fireplace--big pinecones, a basket, a tumbleweed, some candles, or something natural would work beautifully!  Get creative!

I hope these tips helped to get the wheels of change turning in your head!!  Here's to a spring with interesting fireplaces.  NO MORE EYESORES!
Linking up: A Stroll Thru Life:  Inspire Me Tuesday, The Dedicated House, Craft Frenzy Friday


Five on Friday

Linking up with the gals for 5 on Friday!
Did y'all get to check out my first ever link party?  If not, click HERE and look through the entries to get some inspiration for your next shin dig.  Also, come back Monday for a Feature from the party.  If you missed out, I'll be hosting another party in two weeks.

One of the perks of being the third girl is all of the awesome hand-me-downs!!  I've had fun going through the clothes bins in search for 12-18 month clothes.  These are just a few of my favorites!


Baby girl went on her first, and certainly not her last, trip to the Swedish furniture store!!  AG and Edy are in AR for a fun Spring Break with the grandparents so Graham, Joy, and I had a fun date in Dallas on Monday!

After IKEA, we ended up at Blue Mesa Grill for lunch!

While the girls have been gone, I've been a busy bee.  I got a wild hair to paint my kitchen and the kitchen cabinets!!  I'm in love with the changes.  I'll be posting more about it in the coming days so stay tuned.  For a sneak peek, you can find me over at Nikki's Nacs later this week.  I'll be guest posting for her 2 Bills 2 Blow series.
I'm off to go pick up my little sweeties!!  It's been a long eight days and I'm ready to have them back!!
Happy Friday!