
To Each of My Girls...

 My precious Edy Rose, 
I literally cannot get enough of you.  You are spunky, vivacious, determined, energetic, practical, and happy-happy-happy!  Oh...and your smile is contagious.  You have one of those personalities that people love.  Mommy and Daddy think you are adorable and your big sister, AG, would be lost without you.  Joy Tatum is gonna love your jokes and your snuggles--just like the rest of us.  You are up for anything and you are rarely in a bad mood--it's refreshing.  Keep on smilin' sister!  Let your light shine!  I can't wait to see what the Lord has in store for you. 

Joyful girl, 
You are heaven sent.  The happiest baby ever--that's you!  I can't get enough of your smile.  You have a way of turning our frowns upside down.  Although you've only been around a short while you have made quite an impact on us.   Your two big sisters think you are the best thing ever and your daddy and I are certainly smitten.  I can't wait to watch you grow, but I'm in no hurry.  Take your time, sweetie.
Darling Ava Grace, 
You melt my heart! You are just like me in so many ways...you're welcome and I'm sorry!  You are honest, tender-hearted, caring, stunningly beautiful, stubborn, determined, quirky, and brilliant.  You simply amaze me.  God gave us you first and those two sisters of yours are so blessed to have you leading the pack.  Edy Rose thinks you are "the bestest" and  I just know Joy Tatum and you are going to have a special bond.  No matter how grown you think you are or want to be you will always be our precious little girl. 
 Our Joy...His Glory--that pretty much sums it up.


two month records

I've said it before and I'll say it again--if I wasn't a teacher by trade I'd be a secretary. I'm a record keeper/data collector/organizer/felt-tip pen lover/etc. Anyway...I've been diligent to keep my girls' baby books and monthly pics up to date because...I love stuff like that!!  So...here's a comparison shot of all my babies at two months old.  What do you think??

Today was Joy's two month appointment and it was time for those blasted shots!  

 {grins and giggles before shot time}
I did well and was able to hold back my tears.
 For a kiddo that is really content and happy, she's been super fussy this afternoon.  #curseyoushots
Here are the stats that I've recorded:
AG at two months and five days: 12lbs 5oz 22 3/4 in. long
Edy at two months and one day:  12lbs 9 oz 22 3/4 in. long
Joy at two months and ten days: 12lbs 12oz and 24in. long

It seems like they all have a similar growth rate.

The little story I'm about to tell may be TMI, but it's funny and I've never been real shy.  Here goes:
I've had a hard time pumping this time around (never had this problem with the other two).  Finally after weeks of trying, I was able to get in a groove of pumping and storing.  I planned to use the stored milk at times when it was inconvenient to nurse.  Guess what?  Joy absolutely positively will not take a bottle.  We've pulled out all the stops (changed bottles, techniques, etc).  Nope, not gonna happen.  Graham had to call me back once when she refused and started gagging and screaming at the top of her lungs.  I nursed her and she was just fine--completely fine.  That little stinker.

So...the jokes on me!


for joy...

My bro-in-law has written each of my girls a special blog post in honor of their birth. I just got word from Corey that Joy's letter has been posted to his blog.   I raced over to read it and...it's perfect.  I'm so glad that each of my girls has this special gift from their Uncle Corey!

Thanks, Corey.  I've already printed it and placed it in her baby book.

Click HERE to read Joy's post.

Click HERE to read AG's post.
Click HERE to read Edy's post.



  • Joy wearing one of my favorite outfits of all time--passed down for the third time.
  • Who doesn't love some Flavor-Ice in the summertime?
  • first of many matching outfits *swoon*
  • tummy time


  • red, white, and blue babies
  • I can't justify spending a ton on one of those cute personalized planners, but I printed off a monogram for my new (Target) planner.  I likey!
  • milk drunk babe
  • keeping up with the baby book
Gotta run!  I've got a sick Rosie on my hands.   Curse you, Stomach Bug!



Joy is TWO MONTHS OLD!!!  

It's a fact--my babies BLOW UP in the first few months of life.
Check out AG and Ro's two month pics HERE and HERE

With each of my babies, I feared they weren't getting enough at feeding time.  I know, I know!  Silly! Graham makes fun of me, too.  There's no denying that Joyful is well-fed!

{almost looks like we traded in our baby for another one}
 What's going on with Joy?:
  • smiling at our faces
  • cooing just a little
  • eating at 6AM, 9AM, 12PM, 3PM, 6PM, 9PM
  • sleeping through the night (consistently) since week 7
  • loves tummy time
  • likes the bouncy seat
  • likes to lay on changing table and look at the baby in the mirror
  • rarely fussy
  • enjoys bath time and moves little legs like crazy

Click HERE for last month's post.


Dancin' Divas

These girls just love to boogie...

dancin' divas from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

Edy's facial expressions coupled with AG's dance moves...priceless!

*can't believe I used the word diva--not a fan, but I guess it works.

Happy Birthday, America!

Hope y'all had a wonderful 4th of July.  We sure did!  For the past few years, we've had a tradition of getting together with some friends and cooking out and swimming.  It's always a lot of fun.  This year, Miss Joyful joined the group!  I think she liked it!


The girls take after their momma and LOVE watermelon!

Joy and I went home for the rest of the day while Graham and the big girls went out to the lake for the fireworks show.  It's always a great presentation and Graham said this year was no exception.  Good show and even better company!

**I told Graham to keep his eyes peeled for Patrick Dempsey! (I found out he has a house on the lake and was recently spotted in our Wal-Mart!  Can you believe that?  Patrick Dempsey!?!)  That means our little town of 13,000 has three celebs that call this place home!  WOWZA!  Unfortunately, it was a no-go on the Dempsey spotting this time.  :( one of these days, one of these days...


more visitors

This weekend, Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Ann came for a little visit.  We were tickled to see themSo tickled that the girls dressed alike! ;)

Just look at how Aunt Ann and Aunt Dorothy blessed us!
Thanks so much, y'all!  What a wonderful gift!

Joy and Aunt Dorothy
I'll catch you next time, Ann!