

Here we go--another life-n-pics post...

The girls went to a friend's bday party at The Pottery Cafe--such a neat place.  I noticed that most of the girls picked a dolphin, ladybug, or puppy to paint.  Not my girls!  Edy chose a dragon and AG chose a C-A-T!!! A CAT!!!!!!??????? She's revolting against her momma!

  • Joy loves the bumbo seat 
  • AG started soccer practice--she's on an all girls team in Bullard
  • Joy hanging out at soccer practice
  • Bottle #3 and she still refuses.  HELP!!!!! Suggestions??

Graham's parents have been visiting.  Graham learned how to make his mom's peanut butter fudge and divinity.  I learned how to make her pecan pie for the third time.  I'm a slow learner!

Monday, AG started Classical Conversations (CC).  It was FANTASTIC and I am so thankful that we get to be a part of this group.  We started the day with memory work, then we had Latin, Geography, Grammar, a science experiment, an art lesson, more memory work, and then lunch/recess.  

Joy is steadily learning new things.  She is close to rolling over and she can hold her head up really well.

I love routines and being back in the swing of things, but at the end of the day...I'm pooped!


First Grade

Although we had "school" throughout the summer off and on, we officially started back up yesterday.

Even homeschoolers need "first day" pics!

We are excited to start the Classical Conversations group this year.  It will be every Monday and provide memory work, fine arts, science projects, presentations, and time with other kiddos.  We are looking forward to it.  I'm especially pumped about it because I'll  finally get together with other homeschooling moms and have an outlet.  I've felt as if I'm on an island all by my lonesome.  Yes, there are many homeschoolers in our area, but there aren't as many going the classical route. 

I know there are many strong opinions on public education vs. homeschooling and vice versa.  I get asked about my decision to homeschool frequently.  I can't say that I was PRO homeschool from the moment I had kids.  In the beginning, I really didn't even considered it as an option.  It wasn't until we moved to Texas that the decision to homeschool was a no-brainer. I even fought it off for the first few years as I explored every.single.other.option to no avail.

Although the educators in our area are top-notch and I have complete confidence in their ability to educate my kiddos, there are other situations/circumstances/legistics/whatever you want to call them that have led to our decision to homeschool.   After much prayer, support from others, and long discussions, we came to the decision to school at home. I don't understand why that decision offends people, but it does--it absolutely does.

How long will you homeschool?  I get asked that a lot.  Apparently, it's thought one would eventually give-up, change her mind, and integrate her kids into the public school system.  Honestly, I don't know how long we will go this route.  It's my belief that we will homeschool for good, but I can't say for certain. We are taking it year by year.

I would love to connect with other homeschooling families.  Please leave a comment if you have any suggestions, tips, or links to helpful homeschooling blogs, materials, etc.  I would also love to hear from all of you homeschooling moms with blogs that I can follow--link in so we can stay connected.

Click HERE for last year's first day.


Trip to B-A-B

We've been avoiding Build-A-Bear for some time, but Aunt Dorothy promised AG she would take her for her 6th bday.  The girls absolutely had a blast.  What kid wouldn't?
Couldn't leave out Joyful--she got a Small-Fry Bear.

Thanks, Aunt Ann for Joy's little bear.  Thanks, Aunt Dorothy for making the big girls day!  They had a wonderful time.


AG's 6th Birthday

I'm proud to say that AG had a wonderful  and memorable sixth birthday.
She wanted to open her gifts right off the bat! Who wouldn't?!

Then, we made a trip to the jewelry store.  She got her ears pierced! Big Day for AG!
*video at the end of the post

Next, we had mommy/daughter manis/pedis. I really enjoyed this portion of the bday festivities!

 After pedicures, we met Graham, Edy, and Joy at the Tea Room for a wonderful lunch.

We ended this special birthday with some cupcakes for dessert.  

I just love these special moments in life--celebrating our firstborn has been wonderful!

Check out the video of AG getting her ears pierced:



I can't believe I'm saying this...My baby is SIX! 

As always, I took some pics of her in honor of her special day.  As we were finishing up, she told me she had an idea...

Mom, I'm going to look surprised and you take my picture, okay?

And then...
  Mom, did you get that?  I was acting like I was falling off the mountain!

Now for the real pics of my sweet, precious Ava Grace...

 Happy Birthday, Sweet Girl.  You are the most precious, beautiful, honest, loving six year old I know.  I love you.


the stuff they say...

I've gotten in the habit of posting little conversations/happenings I've had with the girls as my FB status. Thought I'd share...

Gave the girls some Dr. Pepper with dinner.
Edy Rose: I love that stuff. It makes me burp! (proceeds to belch 3 times in a row)
She's gonna make some gentleman real happy one day!


Edy: I don't like it when Daddy calls me Melonhead. I want him to call me Princess Melonhead.
Graham, you got that!?!


Edy: I'm not gonna hold baby Joy 'til her black belly button thing comes out. I'm just gonna pet her.
AG: *sign* She's a human. You don't pet humans.


I'm glad my big girls are so eager to help with Joy, but the fighting over who gets to throw out the dirty diapers has got to stop. I accidentally threw the last one out and they both started crying. /not.kidding./ 


Edy brushing hair...
Me: Who taught you to do hair?
Edy: Rock Obana (Barack Obama)
I died.


...the stuff they say.



In a few days, AG will be turning SIX!  Six! I tell ya! Where, Oh where, has the time gone!?!

My family was so sweet to throw her a surprise birthday party.  She has never had a surprise party and it was really, really fun.  Her facial expressions were priceless.

Here's the birthday girl!

S-T-U-N-N-E-D!  AG is such a "literal kid" and having a party on a day other than her actual birthday was hard for her to comprehend.  Once she understood the concept, she was thrilled to be celebrated! T-H-R-I-L-L-E-D!

This was such a fun day and one we won't soon forget.  Thanks Mom, Dad, Kelsey, Josh, Gran, and Papaw for everything!



She's growing, growing, growing...

What's my little sugar biscuit up to?
  • size 2 diapers
  • smiling all the time
  • cooing
  • squealing occasionally
  • a few giggles here and there
  • kicking feet like crazy
  • eating schedule: 6:30AM, 10AM, 12:30PM, 3:30PM, 6:00PM, 9:30ishPM
  • taking about 4-5 naps a day between feedings
  • goes to bed at 8PM and then eats again at 9:30ish and then back to bed until morning
  • holding head up better and better each day
  • not into the pacifier--sucks on hand  

Click HERE for AG at 3 months.
Click HERE for Edy at 3 months.


family fotos

This weekend, the girls and I headed to my parent's house for a little family time.  My Gran, Papaw, Josh, and Kelsey came down, too.  It was a wonderful few days and I was thrilled for everyone to meet Joy.

Along with the pics I took of Josh and Kelsey, I also took a few family shots. 

Tat, Gaga, and the girls

I hate that Graham had to miss this little family get-together.

Up next:  The family threw a surprise birthday party for AG.  More to come...


Kelsey + Josh

I was thrilled to get the opportunity to take some pics of my sis and bro-in-law, Josh. Plus, it's good practice using my camera and a chance for me to try out some new editing techiniques I've learned. (Thanks again, Ashley!)


Thanks Josh and Kels for letting me practice on y'all.  You're great subjects which makes me look a whole lot better than I really am!