
Snow, Snow, Snow...

This weekend, we got a whopping 5 inches of snow here in Fort Smith! Wow! How beautiful.

AG and I will be out playing in it tomorrow!


One Week Old

I'm a little behind on this post, but our Little Bit is a week old. She is such a good baby. There aren't any complaints here. She is a good eater, sleeper, and a very content little one. We are so blessed to have her here safe and sound. She is adjusting very well to life outside the womb!


Bigger than Bitty

My dad bought Edy an American Girl Bitty Baby like AG's. Here is a pic of Bitty and Edy.


Baby Hog

This kid is hogging Edy!

My turn, Ava Grace!

I have baggage

My Aunt Peggy gave Ava Grace this cute little diaper bag. I just loved the size and the way it held everything. Not to mention, it was so cute. I wanted something similar for Edy. I went to a shop here and picked out some fabric. Today, I picked up the finished product. I think it turned out so cute. I just love it!


Ava Grace's teachers knew that being a big sister would be an adjustment for her. So they had her class make a card for her. She got it today when she returned. Her classmates' names are on the inside so I didn't post it, but each child colored a little spot on the card. It was so thoughtful.

Sleeping Beauties


"There were never such devoted sisters..."

Ava Grace is going to be such a great big sis. Just look at how comfortable she is holding her little sister. This melts my heart!

I had a friend that said, "The only thing better than one girl is two." She is so right!

Meeting Mamaw

Graham's mom and dad kept Ava Grace for a couple of days while we got adjusted here at home. Today, they brought her back and Edy got to meet her great grandmother. What a special time!

First Bath

In the words of AG, "I don't yike it!"
Edy did not like her first bath at all! However, there is nothing like a freshly bathed baby.

Home Sweet Home

It was so good to come home yesterday.


Letter to Edy

I've often talked about my brother-in-law and his many talents--one of which is writing. The day Ava Grace was born, he wrote such a thoughtful and sweet note to her (click here to read Ava's note). I was looking through AG's baby book the other day and hoped that Corey would write a note to Edy Rose as well. Of course, he did--and it is every bit as good as Ava's letter. I know that one day my girls are going to love reading their letters from their Uncle Corey. Click here to read Corey's letter to Edy.

She's here!

Yesterday, at 5 am, we headed to the hospital to prepare for the c-section and Edy Rose's arrival. Soon after we arrived, I began to get prepped for surgery.

The surgery went great--much better than my first cesarean. This time, the hospital offered music and aroma therapy during the c-section. I picked out some nice instrumental music and a fabulous lavender scent. The lights were down low during the spinal injection and a few other pre-surgery preparations. These little luxuries did help to calm my nerves a bit. Soon after the spinal was given, Edy Rose made her debut! I actually got to watch her delivery on a monitor. It was surreal.
Here she is!

Our Family of Four!

Mom, Dad, and Edy
Na and Edy
KK and Edy

Mommy and Edy

Look at that little bundle of joy!

Graham bought me a postpartum care package of wonderful things! My husband is the best!
Pops and Edy

We are so excited to have our new little girl. She is such a blessing. We are humbled by God's grace in our lives.



I've been sitting on the couch and AG has been in her room playing with...wait for it...CINDERELLA'S CASTLE! Can you believe it? Anyway, as I was sitting here, she came out of her room and started lining her princesses up one by one. Meticulously, I might add.

Each time she had a few standing solidly, she would close the door and get some more. All the while, never loosing concentration and constantly talking to her princesses.
Here comes some more...

Now, here comes Dopey!

I am loving this time with my little girl. It is hard to believe that she is about to have a little sister. It is a bittersweet feeling. We are ecstatic about Edy's arrival, but these few days with Peanut have been precious.


New Song

Some of you may remember the song I made up when AG was potty training. It was to the tune of "Are You Sleeping?"

Well, that tune has made a comeback around here:

"No More Heartburn"

No more heartburn,
(No more heartburn,)
In four days.
(In four days.)
Bobby is havin' a baby.
(Bobby is havin' a baby.)
So it will go away.
(So it will go away.)


Pregger Pics

39 weeks and counting...

Unless things progress naturally, we will have a new little one in just a few short days!


All ready for Edy!

I have been a busy bee getting ready for my new little girl. For starters, I bought treats for visitors and labeled them. I did the same thing for AG, but her treats were a little bit more impressive! What can I say, I had an entire summer to nest and no little girl to occupy my time!
Pack in Play -- check! AG slept in our room for a month after she was born. 

Just-a Swingin'! Thanks for the great swing, Na and Pops! We are ready for Edy to try it out!
I really don't get the whole "going home outfit" thing, but it is a thing, right? AG came home in this little white dress. We are going to bring Edy home in it as well. Only difference, she will be bundled up due to the cold! When we get home (about a 5 minute car ride), we will take the dress off and put her in a sleeper.
Room ready for baby--check!

Baby book started--check!
All packed--check!
Goodness, we unpackaged some newborn diapers and started to laugh when we looked a them...I don't remember them being so small! Ahh!!! Back to changing diapers!

Today, I cleaned like a mad woman! Now, I just need to pack my own bags! Am I ready for this? It looks like it on the surface, but it is going to be such a big adjustment. We are really excited and ready to take the plunge, though. If you think about it, please keep us in your prayers. This is going to rock our world...in a good way!