

Friday, AG had her shots. BOO!! Umm...I had no idea the effect it would have on me. When the nurses started with the first shot, I started bawling. One nurse looked at me and smiled sympathetically, but I could tell  it wasn't the norm for moms to cry uncontrollably. The doctor said that Ava Grace is in the 90th percentile in weight. She weighs 12lbs 12 ounces--so I guess it's safe to say she's getting enough to eat!

I'm so proud of my girl!


Doctor's Appointment

Well, today is the day for Ava Grace's two month check up. I believe I am more nervous for her than she could know. I want it to go well and I don't want the shots to hurt; however, I know they will. I am trying to think of imporant questions to ask the doctor. Graham told me to ask away--we pay for it. It is amazing to watch my little girl grow each passing day. She is just on the verge of a chuckle, which is amazing to observe. We are waiting patiently for that day. Her smiles just make my heart leap. She is truly a gift from God.

By the way, what did I do with my time before her?


Ava Grace is 2 months old!

AG is growing like a weed! She is changing minute by minute which is exciting and sad all at the same time.  {be still time} As you can see, she's eating like a champ! 
I just love this Jack-O-Lantern outfit--you know Graham does!!!