
Edy's 5th Birthday

Last Wednesday, we celebrated Edy's 5th birthday.  First, she woke me up in the middle of the night to ask me if she was five yet.  I told her she had a couple of hours and that she needed to go back to sleep.  She was SO excited to turn five.

She got a magic trick kit from us and AG colored her a beautiful picture.

Her card from us had a few tickets for some other fun things.  We also gave her an Seek and Find ESV Bible.

We are having her birthday party on Saturday.  It should be a lot of fun.  You can bet I'll take a lot of pics and post them next week!


Toddler Bed Time...

My baby has climbed out of her bed three times.  Fortunately, the first two times she got away uninjured.  The final time, she hit her chin and bit her tongue.  So...this happened...
We took the front piece off of her bed to convert it to a toddler bed.  I was nervous about this new little adventure, but so far Joy has taken to this change perfectly.  She has not gotten out of her bed and she is sleeping just fine.  

not quite 21 months old and sleeping in a toddler bed
my reaction: WAH!!! WAH!!!!

This blog has proven GREAT for keeping records of my babies.  I was racking my brain trying remember when AG climbed out of her crib.  I went back through the trusty archives and located it...

AG sleeping in her toddler bed.  Just one month shy of 2 years old.

Edy never climbed out of her bed, but we converted it right around her second birthday.

I loved looking through these pics at their unique and individual nurseries.  I also think it's funny how to this day AG and Joy are belly sleepers and Edy sleeps on her back.  One more thing to note, AG and Edy were still sleeping with their pacifiers when they moved to a toddler bed, while Joy has yet to take one...ever.


My Testimony

I grew up in the church.  My dad has been in ministry as long as I have been alive.  I began to ask questions at seven and Dad shared with me what the Bible says about salvation.  He led me in the sinner’s prayer and I walked the aisle and was baptized.  I grew up in the church youth group, went to a private college, and stayed plugged into the church throughout college. 

But it wasn’t until after I was married that I truly came to understand the great work that Christ accomplished on my behalf and what it means to be saved.  Early in my marriage, my husband and I would talk about the fact that Jesus came and lived the life that we could not live and that he laid his life down and was crushed by the Father for us (Isaiah 53:10), so that we through faith in him could have our sin transferred to him and his righteousness transferred to us (2 Cor. 5:21). 

I also came to understand in those conversations that salvation is not an aisle you walk down and not a magical prayer you pray.  It’s coming to the end of yourself and realizing that you have nothing to offer—nothing to bring to the table.  It’s realizing that the only contribution you make in your salvation is the sin that makes you in need of it. 

I have come to understand that God has provided everything He requires of me in Christ.  Christ lived, died, and was raised for me and all that is required of me is to turn from my sins and trust in him alone for salvation.  That is what I have done, am doing, and will do forever.  My salvation story is Ephesians 2:

Though I was dead in trespasses and sin, God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved me even when I was dead in sin, made me alive together with Christ.   By grace I have been saved through faith.  This is not of my own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works. 


Birthday Girl

My Edy Rose will be FIVE tomorrow!!  FIVE!!!  Per tradition, I took her out for her birthday photo shoot!  She is so photogenic and her personality really shows through in these pics.

my favorite.

Graham and I had a hard time narrowing down our favorite shot.  I'm trying to decide which one to have printed for a large frame in my bedroom.  Help me out!!  Which one is your favorite?


2015 Bookmark | Free Printable

 I love the quote (below) by C.T. Studd and I think it is a perfect reminder for us as we start 2015.  I made these bookmarks for my discipleship group, CC tutors, and ladies ministry team at church.

[8X10 printable]

Printing tips:  

Print on card stock, cut and use a corner rounder for finishing touch, tie butcher's twine to card.
*Thanks, Designs by Miss Mandee for the laurel wreath graphic.


Sunday Pics

We have never had the privilege of living in the same town as our extended family.  Actually, that's the main reason why this ole' blog got its start.  In 2007, I had just become a mom for the first time and our sweet Ava Grace was the first grandchild for both sides of the family.  Most of my posts were all about AG.  As technology progressed, I began to share more and more through texting.  Each Sunday, for at least 4 years but maybe even longer, I have taken a pic of my girls and sent it out to all of our extended family. * I rarely miss a Sunday*  It's the traditional Sunday Pic as we like to call it.  

It's been a while since I shared some Sunday Pics on the blog.  Here are some I've taken since May:
There is nothing to these pics--just a poorly shot iPhone pic before we rush out the door. We're always running late on Sunday! The one constant is my little girls decked out for church and looking adorable!

On the off chance I forget the pic prior to heading out the door, I snap one before pulling on to the road.

Christmas Sunday Pic

First Sunday Pic of 2015

I'm nostalgic and these pics fill my need to preserve memories and capture my growing and changing little girls!  I hope we can keep them up for a long time!  Maybe my girls will pass the tradition on to their families--probably using some new-fangled camera or whatever! :)

Click HERE to check out some old Sunday pics.