
Off to Conway!

After spending a couple of days in Magnolia, we headed to Conway for a couple of days.
Ava Grace in her new apron Pops got her in New England.

All of the kids in our Christmas 3D glasses.

Here Come the Christmas Posts!

First, we had Christmas with Mom, Dad, Kelsey, Gran and Papaw in Magnolia. We had such a good time with everyone. Ava Grace loved opening presents! She also loved all the attention here grandparents and aunt gave her!



We went to the mall to see Santa. Ava Grace didn't cry, but she didn't smile either.



Christmas Traditions
Graham and I have several Christmas traditions that we have kept since we were married 5 and a half years ago, but there is one that we developed all on our own. We love and look forward to it each year...

The Ridiculously Ugly Ornament

We have this ridiculously ugly ornament. A couple of years ago, I rolled back the covers and he, Ridiculously Ugly Ornament, was neatly tucked into my side of the bed. Without saying a word, I hid him in Graham's sock drawer. Thus started a tradition that we have loved each year. The game starts as soon as The Ridiculously Ugly Ornament has been unboxed. We have to get creative in our hiding spots toward the end of the Christmas season, but it is such a blast. I laugh out loud when I happen upon his ridiculously ugly ornament face in an unexpected place! I can't wait until AG gets in on the fun!


Bye Bye "C"

Ava Grace must officially say "Goodbye" to her pacie, or her "C" as she calls it, in 2 months. According to her doctor, eighteen months is the time to call it quits. Over the next couple of months, we will be weeding it out. She wasn't real attached to it in her younger months of life, but she LOVES it now. All we have to do is say the word and she starts foaming at the mouth like it is a piece of candy. We are going to slowly take it away except for at nap and nighttime. We'll see how it goes! Bye, Bye "C"!
Enjoy it while you can!


Baby Blue...

"...was the color of her eyes."

Growing Girl

Today was Ava Grace's 15 month check up. I was glad to talk to the doctor about some of my concerns. I know he probably laughs at moms like me, but that's just me--I gotta ask the questions. Anyway, the doc made a point to tell me that AG is taller than 9 out of 10 girls her age. His exact words were, "She's tall and slender." She is a little over 32 inches tall and she is 24 pounds. She has the longest legs. They are so cute and chubby! She received a flu shot today and she will get the second round next month. After that, we don't go back until March! Yay!

I praise the Lord for my daughter's good physical growth and health! Please pray with me for her spiritual growth--that she will come to know the Lord at a young age and serve, worship, and fear Him throughout her life.