
Ava Grace is 4 months old!

This picture is my favorite so far. She looks so adorable in her romper that reads: "I saw Mommy kissin' Santa Claus".

We've been in our new home for a whole year and a lot has changed in that short time...

I'm SO looking forward to our first Christmas as a family of THREE!



I got to host my first Thanksgiving--first ever to host, first in our new home, and first with a new baby!  Triple firsts!

AG is really holding that head up well!
Ava and Nonna

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving holiday. I was so excited for Mom, Dad, and Kelsey to see Ava Grace. She is growing so much and I knew they would be shocked. I loved having the festivities in our new home. Mom and I did all of the cooking and suprisingly, I did a lot more than I thought I could do. The meal was delicious and the table setting was divine--if I do say so myself.

On Saturday, Ava Grace was able to meet her two great aunts. They spoiled her with lots of love, but most of all CLOTHES. She is going to love them so much. Thanks Aunt Ann and Aunt Dorothy.

Yesterday afternoon, Ava was playing on the floor when I noticed that she was really trying to push herself over on to her back. I began watching her closely and after a lot of grunting and pushing...she rolled over! I was so excited. She is doing so many wonderful new things. It is so much fun.



Friday, AG had her shots. BOO!! Umm...I had no idea the effect it would have on me. When the nurses started with the first shot, I started bawling. One nurse looked at me and smiled sympathetically, but I could tell  it wasn't the norm for moms to cry uncontrollably. The doctor said that Ava Grace is in the 90th percentile in weight. She weighs 12lbs 12 ounces--so I guess it's safe to say she's getting enough to eat!

I'm so proud of my girl!


Doctor's Appointment

Well, today is the day for Ava Grace's two month check up. I believe I am more nervous for her than she could know. I want it to go well and I don't want the shots to hurt; however, I know they will. I am trying to think of imporant questions to ask the doctor. Graham told me to ask away--we pay for it. It is amazing to watch my little girl grow each passing day. She is just on the verge of a chuckle, which is amazing to observe. We are waiting patiently for that day. Her smiles just make my heart leap. She is truly a gift from God.

By the way, what did I do with my time before her?


Ava Grace is 2 months old!

AG is growing like a weed! She is changing minute by minute which is exciting and sad all at the same time.  {be still time} As you can see, she's eating like a champ! 
I just love this Jack-O-Lantern outfit--you know Graham does!!!


Meeting the Fam

This weekend, at just six weeks old, Ava Grace got to meet her Gran, Great-Great Aunt Peggy, and Great Aunt Sherri. They drove all the way from Alabama to meet our sweet baby girl.  We had a blast. As you can tell by the pic, Ava is pooped.  We wore her out, but I sure loved having the family together for a couple of days.


Music Makes Me Smile!

Had to share this pic of Graham playing his guitar for our sweet girl. These moments are absolutely precious.  I'm so thankful for our sweet baby girl!


She's here!

Introducing - Ava Grace
She was 7lbs 9oz and 20 inches long.  
She's healthy and happy! 
This picture is funny because her leg is trying to move up by her head--just like she was in my tummy!

Praise the Lord for this happy and healthy baby girl!