
A Special Gift

For Mother's Day, Graham bought me this sweet necklace. Isn't it cute? I am so excited to wear it and so proud of my family.


It's a PAIN!

Well, I'm alive, but after a long couple of days I'm flat exhausted.  Yes, I had yet another visit from the dreaded kidney stone devil.  I went to the emergency room late Sunday afternoon in severe pain.  I have had seven or eight instances with kidney stones in my past, but this was by far the worst.  I can't even describe the unbelievable amount of pain I've had to endure.  I know this all sounds so dramatic, but at one point I remember crawling around on the hospital floor due to the pain. Pain can make you crazy...seriously! After the CT scan confirmed the obvious, the doctor suggested that I stay the night in the hospital and try to pass the stone on my own.  I was in and out of pain throughout much of Sunday night and Monday morning and I never passed the stone.  Last night, I had surgery to remove it. I spent Monday night in the hospital and dealt with nausea--brutal! I'm doing much better today.  Fortunately, I did not need a stint this time and my milk production is starting to increase (such a blessing with a whirlwind of emotions attached). Needless to say, it has been tough, but I've had a lot of help. I'm thankful to the Lord for the people He put in my path these past couple of days.


Check this out!

AG loves Strawberry Shortcake and she loves long, silky, pretty hair. So you can see why she loves this...

Wig from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

Untitled from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.


Edy Grows-3 months

Edy, you're three months old! Where has the time gone?
Your little monthly pictures are sort of difficult right now, but I think they will get easier when you are able to hold your head up a little better. I took a TON of pictures and this was the best one I got:
I love that little chin and round head...just too darn cute!
As your parent, this picture says it all--you are just laid-back. Where did you come from? I'm confident that we will rub off on you soon.
Look at you--sound asleep!

Here are some of your stats:
  • eat 6 times a day (So far, your diet has consisted only of breast milk)
  • smile and coo a lot
  • roll from belly to back occasionally
  • sleep from 8:30p.m.-6:30 a.m.
  • gaining some arm control (reach for toys or objects hovering above you)
  • getting a flat head because you hate being on your tummy (exact opposite from your big sis)
  • love being on your changing table so you can look at the baby in the mirror
  • wiggle like crazy
We love you baby girl!


Play Day!

My sweet Gran came to visit with my Dad this week. We have enjoyed having them visit and Ava Grace has had a ball!
Edy Rose got to meet her Great Grandmother for the first time.



Shepherding a Child's Heart by Tedd Tripp is a great book for parents. I like it because Tripp bases his principles on the scriptures. Scripture has to be our ultimate authority; if we aren't guided by God's Word then we are doing our children a huge disservice.
Lately, we have been going through some challenges with our little two year old. Trust me, it has been a trying time and frustrations have been at an all time high, but we are starting to see some positive changes across the board. It has been slow and gradual but consistency has been the key (a lot easier said than done).

 In order to be the parent I'm commissioned to be, I've had to examine my spiritual walk closely and I'm humbled. I have so many areas where I have failed to trust God and let Him lead. I can use a reality check periodically--Thank you, Lord.

We will never master this parenting gig--no one will. Thankfully, we have God to lead, guide, and direct us through it all.

So worth it!


Got dirt?

Recently when I vacuum, I have had a little shadow behind me and I just love it! AG grabs her little Dirt Devil and has at it! I've often said, "As hard as she works, it would be nice if that thing worked."
Graham was putting her vacuum back in the closet and noticed some dust bunnies in the canister! I should have read the vacuum box better. Who knew? Granted, she's vacuumed with me a half a dozen times and this is all that she's captured, but her efforts have paid off a bit. Makes this momma proud!


Easter Egg Hunt

After church, we had an Easter egg hunt in our backyard. Ava loved it and Edy loved chillin' in her bouncy seat.

Cooing and Kicking! from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.

Easter Sunday

We had a wonderful Easter Sunday.

Yay! Strawberry Shortcake and Princess and the Frog.

Our Family
I'll end this long post of pictures with this quote by Dr. Adrian Rogers. It goes something like this:

If Jesus never rose from the grave, then nothing really matters. But, if He did, it's the only thing that matters!

Hallelujah!  Christ Arose!

Family Meeting

Yesterday we traveled to Conway for a quick visit. This was Edy's first road trip and her first time to meet several of her aunts and uncles!

Ava Grace, Mamaw (the girls' great grandmother), and Edy Rose
Edy finally got to meet Aunt Dorothy and Aunt Ann!
Edy, you are going to love all of the cute clothes you get from these ladies! AG, can I get an AMEN!?!
Sweet Edy with her Sweet Aunt Dorothy
Uncle Corey finally got to meet the Edy, too!