
Off to Conway!

After spending a couple of days in Magnolia, we headed to Conway for a couple of days.
Ava Grace in her new apron Pops got her in New England.

All of the kids in our Christmas 3D glasses.

Here Come the Christmas Posts!

First, we had Christmas with Mom, Dad, Kelsey, Gran and Papaw in Magnolia. We had such a good time with everyone. Ava Grace loved opening presents! She also loved all the attention here grandparents and aunt gave her!



We went to the mall to see Santa. Ava Grace didn't cry, but she didn't smile either.



Christmas Traditions
Graham and I have several Christmas traditions that we have kept since we were married 5 and a half years ago, but there is one that we developed all on our own. We love and look forward to it each year...

The Ridiculously Ugly Ornament

We have this ridiculously ugly ornament. A couple of years ago, I rolled back the covers and he, Ridiculously Ugly Ornament, was neatly tucked into my side of the bed. Without saying a word, I hid him in Graham's sock drawer. Thus started a tradition that we have loved each year. The game starts as soon as The Ridiculously Ugly Ornament has been unboxed. We have to get creative in our hiding spots toward the end of the Christmas season, but it is such a blast. I laugh out loud when I happen upon his ridiculously ugly ornament face in an unexpected place! I can't wait until AG gets in on the fun!


Bye Bye "C"

Ava Grace must officially say "Goodbye" to her pacie, or her "C" as she calls it, in 2 months. According to her doctor, eighteen months is the time to call it quits. Over the next couple of months, we will be weeding it out. She wasn't real attached to it in her younger months of life, but she LOVES it now. All we have to do is say the word and she starts foaming at the mouth like it is a piece of candy. We are going to slowly take it away except for at nap and nighttime. We'll see how it goes! Bye, Bye "C"!
Enjoy it while you can!


Baby Blue...

"...was the color of her eyes."

Growing Girl

Today was Ava Grace's 15 month check up. I was glad to talk to the doctor about some of my concerns. I know he probably laughs at moms like me, but that's just me--I gotta ask the questions. Anyway, the doc made a point to tell me that AG is taller than 9 out of 10 girls her age. His exact words were, "She's tall and slender." She is a little over 32 inches tall and she is 24 pounds. She has the longest legs. They are so cute and chubby! She received a flu shot today and she will get the second round next month. After that, we don't go back until March! Yay!

I praise the Lord for my daughter's good physical growth and health! Please pray with me for her spiritual growth--that she will come to know the Lord at a young age and serve, worship, and fear Him throughout her life.


Almost 30

In honor of Graham's upcoming birthday, his family took him out to eat for lunch.

Gingerbread houses are yummy!

Na bought a gingerbread house for AG to decorate. The only problem was that she couldn't keep from eating the candy. She would act like she was going to put it on the house and then move the candy straight to her mouth. Priceless!

Thanks, Na.  It was so much fun!

Go, Texas, Go!

Thanks for this cute cheerleading outfit, Aunt Dorothy. She looks so cute in it!

Family Fotos

Corey took some pics of us over the Thanksgiving break...

Ava Grace was a riot and never sat still.  Photo shoots with a rambunctious fifteen month old are near to impossible. We did get one really great shot that will be our Christmas card this year.


Book Character Day

Book Character Day was so much fun. The teachers had more fun than the kids.
The Lion, Witch, and The Wardrobe
(We got 3rd place)


Back by popular demand...

So...I said I was not going to take any more pics with Lamby; however, I have had many people ask me where the monthly pics went and when I was going to take another one. Well, I can't continue to take these pics or I'm going to have an 8 year old that thinks I'm nuts. Picture this... Me: Come on Ava! Get your room cleaned up so I can get your picture with Lamby! You are 8 years and 3 months old today. Hmm, How do I calculate that in months only?

I thought I might get one at 18 months and call it quits at 2 years!  How does that sound?

15 months old stats:
Running everywhere!
Into everything!
Starting to get adjusted to table foods...still REAL picky
Loves the Wiggles!
Would rather be outside
Loves older kids
Talks constantly! Only a couple of "real" words
Has almost figured out how to open doors
Has selective hearing
Follows simple directions
A joy to be around!

It's the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

It's that time again! I am so excited. I love the Christmas season for many reasons. One of my favorite things about Christmas is the lovely decorations. Last night, after AG went to bed, I got out all of the decorations and began having the time of my life. This year, we have a "fun" tree in the kitchen and I absolutely love it! It is filled with special keepsake ornaments and an assortment of baking items (i.e. gingerbread, candy, pots, pans, rolling pins, and marshmallow ornaments).

kitchen tree
mantle decorations

living room tree (all red and silver)


Our Walk

Every day after school, AG and I go for a walk. There are several cow pastures around our house and she loves to go look at the cows. She is starting to say, "Moo." Today, Graham was able to go for a walk with us since he has Fridays off. We bundled Little Missy up and headed out.



Carving, Candy, Costumes, and Charlie Brown

Graham has always loved Halloween and since we have been married, I have grown to love this time of the year, too. It officially kicks off Fall and we love the cooler weather. We are all about traditions in our household. Here are some of our favorite Halloween rituals:
1. Carving a pumpkin: This year we went with a traditional jack-o-lantern. In the past, we have carved some VERY intricate designs.
2. We love to munch on candy corn. Especially "Indian corn" (the kind with the chocolate bottoms).
3. The Food Network: They always have great ideas.3. Our Movie line-up: It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown , Garfield's Halloween Adventure and The Best of Rosanne: Halloween Edition. Graham always watches some other movies, too, but these are the one's we watch together. 4. Costumes: Here is Ava Grace in her pumpkin p.j.'s from Halloween 2007. I can't wait to get some pics of her in her costume this year.


Ready for the cold!

We had a great time in Conway this weekend. I didn't get many pics, but I did get a pic of Ava Grace in her new winter coat. She is so stinkin' cute in it!


I'm set!

Nothing beats The Wiggles, a sippy full of milk, and footed pajamas!



In the fall, I am always on the hunt for a delicious caramel apple. Today, we went to Kopper Kettle Candies and I spotted a gorgeous apple. They had many apples to choose from, but I chose the caramel apple covered in cinnamon and sugar. I thought it was a nice change from the chocolate drizzle with nuts. I was so glad that this year my caramel apple choice was the right one!


Then and Now

Last year I bought a cute little witch hat at Hobby Lobby.

{last year}

{this year}

Oh the joys two bucks can bring!


Say Cheese

Ava Grace loves her pink hat. She wears it constantly at home. She hasn't quite figured out how to put it back on. So, when it falls off, we hear screams coming from whatever room she is in at the time.

Say Cheese!