
First Day of School!

As homeschoolers, I guess today is as good a day as any to deem it "the first day of school."  I say that because we pretty much school all year round...with some extended breaks, of course!  

On Saturday, the girls finally got home from their grandparents' which marked the end of our summer vacations.  We have a lot of things coming up in August with the start of Classical Conversations and soccer and music lessons, so I thought it best to get a good jumpstart on school.

Here are our first day pics...

3rd GRADE!!!!

Cursive handwriting, multiplication, piano lessons, oh my!  I have great memories of my third grade year.  Hopefully, AG will enjoy it, too.

To be accurate, Edy is about half-way through her Kindergarten year. I started in January with reading, math, handwriting, and CC.  Yesterday, she began Saxon 1st grade math and she's truckin'  right along as a reader.  

I cannot believe I have an almost eight year old!  Ava Grace is a beautiful, caring, and smart little girl.  She loves Jesus and it shows!  I am so thankful for the work the Holy Spirit is doing in her life and I pray she continues to let His light shine before others!  

In the same way, let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven. Matthew 5:16

this. girl.  

Edy is such a loving, funny, spunky, free-spirited, and adorable little girl.  It's truly awesome that I get to call her my daughter!  To hear her pray is to be blessed by what the Lord is working out in her.  
And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Phillipians 1:6 

To have the privilege of training my children at home each and every day is a gift.  I don't want to paint a picture of rainbows and unicorns...things can be T-O-U-G-H, but by God's grace we will persevere!

I'll end with little comparison...


Riding Bikes!

Y'ALL.  I have been knee-deep in Classical Conversations.  WHEW!  It's been so much, so fast.  I am enjoying it, but I am still getting drenched by this fire hydrant of new info, new responsibilities, new schedule, new, new, new!  I was promised that my late summer would be chock-full of responsibilities, but I thought...Meh, I got this!  I think my head is still above water, but I am definitely treading water and treading fast!

Since I've been busier than ever for this time of year, I forgot to share the big news...


Backstory:  We live in the country and have a gravel driveway.  I just knew that my girls would never learn to ride a bike.  That's until the grandparents saved the day!!! My dad and mom had the girls for a week in May and they not only gave the girls new bikes, but Dad taught them how to ride!!!!!!  I'm just SO happy.  SO, so happy!  

Biker gang!

The girls can ride bikes with their friends.  At last, they can enjoy a full and wonderful childhood. *where's that sarcasm font when you need it?*

BELOW: Videos of the girls learning to ride.  *Keep in mind that they are now riding like pros!

IMG 1092 from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.
IMG 1127 from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.
***I guess I should add that they do have helmets and they do wear them.  That's just what happens when the grandparents teach the kids to ride bikes.  ;)


Edy's Ear Piercing

Happy Monday everyone!!!!  I'm kicking off this week with a video of Edy Rose getting her ears pierced.   *about five weeks ago*

Here's the before...
And here's a video of the during and after...
Edy Gets Her Ears Pierced from Leslie Hale on Vimeo.
How brave was my girl!?!!!  So proud of her.



Youth Room

Recently, we got new carpet at our church and we were able to make some changes around the place.  I had the fun job of sprucing up the youth/multi-purpose room in the back of the church.  I felt like knock-off version of Joanna from Fixer Upper (sort of...not really!).


the state of the garden

This time last year, Graham started a new hobby--gardening.  His first plant of choice:  PUMPKINS! He did pretty good and we had a few nice little pumpkins around Halloween.  
Throughout the fall, winter, and spring, we've been composting to prepare for his spring and summer garden.  
In the early spring, he got serious and planted bell pepper, kale, and tomatoes...

"Daddy, take a picture of me smelling the pepper!"

Late spring/early summer, he planted corn and watermelon.  

Our salads have been so fresh and yummy...

The garden has had an abundance of kale and peppers.  The tomatoes are starting to come like crazy now.

When he started gardening, I promised him I'd learn to can his produce.  I never doubted that he'd have a successful garden, I just didn't expect it to yield enough worth canning.  I was wrong.  

I've canned my first very small batch of diced tomatoes...

I was nervous, but these little half-pints weren't too hard and I think I'll be excited and prepared when he brings in the next load of tomatoes!

He is harvesting more and more peppers, tomatoes, and kale each day.  I'm sure I'll be canning more in the coming days!
**July 4th is the day to plant those pumpkin seeds!  Lots of gourds and pumpkins headed our way in time for Halloween and Thanksgiving!