
My Testimony

I grew up in the church.  My dad has been in ministry as long as I have been alive.  I began to ask questions at seven and Dad shared with me what the Bible says about salvation.  He led me in the sinner’s prayer and I walked the aisle and was baptized.  I grew up in the church youth group, went to a private college, and stayed plugged into the church throughout college. 

But it wasn’t until after I was married that I truly came to understand the great work that Christ accomplished on my behalf and what it means to be saved.  Early in my marriage, my husband and I would talk about the fact that Jesus came and lived the life that we could not live and that he laid his life down and was crushed by the Father for us (Isaiah 53:10), so that we through faith in him could have our sin transferred to him and his righteousness transferred to us (2 Cor. 5:21). 

I also came to understand in those conversations that salvation is not an aisle you walk down and not a magical prayer you pray.  It’s coming to the end of yourself and realizing that you have nothing to offer—nothing to bring to the table.  It’s realizing that the only contribution you make in your salvation is the sin that makes you in need of it. 

I have come to understand that God has provided everything He requires of me in Christ.  Christ lived, died, and was raised for me and all that is required of me is to turn from my sins and trust in him alone for salvation.  That is what I have done, am doing, and will do forever.  My salvation story is Ephesians 2:

Though I was dead in trespasses and sin, God being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved me even when I was dead in sin, made me alive together with Christ.   By grace I have been saved through faith.  This is not of my own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works. 


  1. "It’s coming to the end of yourself and realizing that you have nothing to offer—nothing to bring to the table. It’s realizing that the only contribution you make in your salvation is the sin that makes you in need of it." That is beautiful, Leslie, and very well put! Thank you.

  2. What a beautiful testimony and mine is pretty much a carbon copy of it. My Dad was a Minister too and it was only natural for me to accept Christ at an early age. I use to think that my testimony wasn't all that special because I didn't have a "come from the pits of sin" testimony but I realized that anyone that knows Christ as their Savior has a testimony to share because of his great Gift to us. Great post!

  3. Oh lady I was waiting for this post from you. Beautiful and insightful. I always look to you as one of my spiritual role models and I am happy to know more of the back story. Loved it. Muchly.

  4. So glad it can be an encouragement to you, Brittany! He get's the glory!!!

  5. Thanks, Mallory. I hope it is an encouragement to you!

  6. Thanks for reading, Lea. How great is our God!!!! I'm so thankful for his grace, patience, mercy, and love toward me!


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