
CC Pictures

AG is in Classical Conversations.  It's our first year and we have thoroughly enjoyed it.  Her tutor is a photographer and took "school pics" of the kids in the fall.  I'm behind on posting them, but better late than never, right?!
AG's class: 6-7year olds


  1. these are beautiful pics! i made a comment on your instagram photo about CC. I am praying about our homeschool journey next year and for some wisdom as to what direction we should go... with an 18 month old, a preschooler and a kinder this year has driven me a little wonky. i mean for real. :) :) :)

  2. I have loved following you the past three years and watching these beautiful babies grow and seeing your bring that newest life into the world. Thanks for sharing my prayer concern. I long for her to know Joy and His Glory. It will be hers one day.

  3. Girlfriend, you better never cut her hair... Those curls are TOO cute!!!!


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
