
Happy Valentine's Day

We have had a great start to Valentine's Day...
The girls got one of my all time favorite Disney classics, Lady and the Tramp.
enjoying a Valentine's lunch
wearing a Valentine's lunch
heart-shaped quesadilla and strawberries, s'mores, and juice

Tonight, he got a babysitter and we are going out to dinner!  What a rare treat.  I'm thinkin' sushi!


  1. How cute. My mom always used to get my sister and I the Disney movies for any & all holidays.

  2. so fun!!!! That sounds like an awesome valentines day! Give those sweet girls love from KK. Props again to my big brother! Im impressed! Yall have fun tonight!! -Aunt KK

  3. You deserve a nite out! Hope ya'll have a great time! I agree with Casey, I'm impressed with Graham too! Can't wait for you to open the other envelopes!!! Love, Renee
    I know the girls will love the movie! What a fun day!!

  4. So cute! And how sweet of your nubby. Have a great date night!


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