
Charlie Brown Birthday

Saturday we had a little Charlie Brown birthday party for our soon to be three year old.  Joy loves Charlie Brown so it was a no-brainer that we would have a Peanuts-themed party.  Nothing real special, just some play time at the park, cake & ice cream, and fun with friends.


For a special birthday outfit, I hot-glued some black rickrack to a yellow shirt.

About two weeks before the party, I called my favorite cake lady to order a custom cake for the big day.  She is awesome and really inexpensive.  She apologized and told me that she had to quit making cakes to spend time with her family.  WHAT????  Plan B: The cake wasn't anything special, but it tasted good.

The "unused" Bath toys we put on the cake to spruce it up.

One of the gifts was red clown noses for our weirdo family.  Graham's face is priceless.

Joy got an adorable teepee from Na, Pops, and KK, complete with a chandelier.

I'm thrilled my little girl liked her party! It was fun and I'm glad it's checked off the list of to-dos!  Her actual birthday is tomorrow and I'm sure we will celebrate with a good breakfast and lots of time loving on our very special and adored three year old!

Happy THIRD birthday, Joy!!

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For our joy and His glory,
