

Life has been crazy busy--that's life, right?!  The fall is always filled with a ton of activities and a lot of good quality family time!  We love our fall traditions.
Since living in East Texas, we've ventured to Yesterland Farms every year for our pumpkin patch tradition...

Another tradition--The State Fair of Texas...

And another...Six Flags over Texas for Thrills by Day, Frights by Night.

And one of my favorite traditions...

What are your fall traditions?  Give me some ideas!!!


  1. OH! These are awesome photos. WHAT a fun experience. And man, those little red boots are darling :). We missed pun'kin picking this year. I guess maybe we will cut our own Christmas tree down to compensate :).
    Enjoy the weekend!!

  2. Is that Big Tex? I watched a mini - documentary on him and how he burned and was rebuilt with tons of new features. How cool.
    And the apples look amazing.
    And its nice to see your kiddos having fun :-)

  3. All of the above look like great traditions! Especially the caramel apples! Yummmm! We don't really have any traditions but I do like to go fall color touring and to the apple orchard for donuts and cider! :)


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
