
Social Media Pet Peeve No. 398,042

Social Media isn't going anywhere--it's the new norm.  How do I know this?  My grandmother has a Facebook account! For the most part, I like social media!  I really do. There are some awesomely wonderful things about Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, but there are some aspects I could live without and I'm positively certain I'm not alone in my thinking. Right?

Last week, I read an article about wedding guests taking pics with their phones and ruining the photographer's photos due to guest's phone camera flashes.  In the article, the PROFESSIONAL photographer hired by the bride and groom vented about phone camera use during the ceremony and ruining many of her shots.  She called for an "unplugged wedding" asking for people in attendance to put away their phones and simply enjoy the wedding.  Click HERE to read the article. 
Social Media Pet Peeve:  Sharing Other People's Life Moments Too Soon

Nearing the time of Joy's arrival, I was informed that there was a good chance I would be put to sleep during her delivery.  Essentially that meant friends and family would probably see her precious face before I even laid eyes on the baby I'd carried in my womb for nine months.  About a month before her arrival, I sent an email to the family members who would be present at the time of her birth and asked them to please refrain from texting pics or posting pics of her on Facebook (social media sites) before I gave the "okay".  Does that sound silly?  Is it so much to ask that I get to see my precious baby before "friends" of "friends" of "friends" of "friends" take a quick glance at her!?! People I don't even know!?!  I think not!

Thankfully, I was awake during her delivery, but even so, my family honored my request and waited to post pics of her on social media sites until I gave the nod of approval.
Get this: A few pics of my new baby girl were texted (unbeknownst to me) and posted to FB by someone I barely know just seconds after my first FB update. WOW! *By the way, the premature text wasn't a malicious thing--it just happened.
I know of several other accounts of people sharing someone else's life moment and the outcomes have been so frustrating for the folks involved.
Why the rant?  I guess I'm just a little overwhelmed with social media and wish folks could just sit back and enjoy life a little more--myself included.
Ask yourself:  Is this my life moment to share with the world?  In a world where everyone can know virtually anything about everything in a matter of minutes why not make those precious life moments sacred...if only for a little while. 
Am I alone on this one?  What are your social media pet peeves?


  1. Oh man the pics at weddings and the baby pics things are my big pet peeves too. I had my daughter in Aug. 2013 and I specifically told all my friends and family that I would post her first pic to FB and announce her arrival and no one else was to do so before me. It was totally fine and worked perfectly since it was just a very close set of family and friends there the day she was born (and several weren't FB savvy). I am sorry that you got burned by the social media thing though. Social media is such a catch 22.

  2. Girlfriend, you are not alone with this pet peeve!! I really dislike Facebook for this very reason!

  3. Neither of us had phones with decent cameras on them so when Aria was born nobody got to see any pictures for a bit. And it was just us in the room. I totally get that people cannot wait to see your new babe, but that moment as a new family of +1 is something to savor. Also, what a bummer about the guests ruining the pro shots at the wedding. Perhaps the priest/officiate will have to say no flash photos please from now on!

  4. You are so not alone!! Facebook is driving me crazy and i'm thinking of giving it up soon. My social media pet peeve are all the multi-level marketing posts and sales party invites. They flood my feed and i'm so beyond sick of them!

  5. I completely agree with you Leslie! Technology and social media has become a bit much if you ask me! I actually do think to myself often, really? is this necessary to put online right now? Haha :) I don't blame you for feeling the way you did about Joy's birth! I actually have a friend that has a 2 year old and she is very strict about her son's picture not being on FB at all. And she reminds anyone that takes pictures of him! :)

  6. I completely agree with everything you just said! I gave up Facebook for lent this year and considered staying off for good. I honestly didn't miss it one bit!


  7. Right there with you… in fact I am currently trying to sort through the good and bad of social media, so we can enjoy the good and get rid of the bad!

  8. Oh, you are definitely not alone! I agree whole heartily! People just need to keep their posts about themselves and let everyone else post their own business. Good post!

  9. I've been going through this same thing. I've been limiting my FB time a great deal, and it has brought me more joy in life. Those little moments with my son won't last forever. We have to wet the phone down sometimes for a little clarity and respect to those moments. The more I think about my kids growing up seeing me on my phone all the time scares me. I know they will look up to, and I don't want them following in those footsteps. Our time together is sacred! Thanks for the post. :)

  10. So true, Mallory! We all need to put our phones down more. So important to soak up the good times with our families.

  11. Oh my, Megan. That makes my skin crawl. I hate that for you. Not silly at all. So frustrating.

  12. I know, Lea. It's so important to limit social media. Everyone doesn't need to know everything...especially if it's not your news to share.

  13. Me too! I've been downsizing FB, Twitter, and Instagram to people that actual care. :)

  14. What a good thing to give up. I have a friend that gave it up too and hasn't jumped back on the bandwagon yet and it's been over 2 years. She hasn't missed a thing.

  15. That's not a bad idea to limit your child's exposure on SM. So important to just soak up those times together instead of plastering every moment on FB, twitter, Insta.

  16. SM (esp FB) drives me crazy at times...peoples soapboxes, selfies, game invites, marketing, quizzes...UGH!!!!!

  17. Isn't that wedding article crazy. Makes me hurt for the couples on the other end of the camera. So pitiful that folks can't just sit back and enjoy.

  18. I KNOW! Social Media can be great but it can be a huge frustration as well.

  19. That is so good that your friends and family honored your wishes. That doesn't always happen unfortunately. UGH! I wish people could jut be more considerate with their social media posts.

  20. I completely agree with you!! I love social media but sometimes there are moments that don't need to be shared instantly, Unfortunately people's phones are attached to them but we truly need to take a step back and enjoy the moments without social media and the whole world knowing! Life goes by too quickly to miss the little moments! Right there with ya!


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For our joy and His glory,
