
Simple Simmering Potpourri

I'm a  self-proclaimed scent-a-holic!  I love a good smelling home.  Don't we all?  I'm not much for floral and perfume-y scents; baked goods and spices are more my speed. 
*I'll add, I'm blessed/cursed with a "super-smeller" (my nose).  I can smell foul odors from across the room and overpowering scents give me a headache.*

This time of year is a scent-a-holic's dream come true!

I'm all about Scentsy.  Some of my favorite "flavors" (as I like to call them) are: Clove & Cinnamon, Mochadoodle, Honey Pear Cider, Cozy Fireside, Pumpkin Roll, Sticky Cinnamon Bun, and Central Park Pralines.

My #1 go to Christmas scent is Aromatique's: The Smell of Christmas.  I douse my pine cones, Christmas tree, and pine clippings with it several times a month.  Just perfect.

Candles, Scentsy, and sprays are great, but there are times when I just want something au naturale
If you have an orange, some cloves, cinnamon sticks, and some bay leaves, you have just what's needed for a wonderful simmering spice.   Trust me.  Your house will thank you!

Ingredients and Instructions:
  • A small simmering pot
  • A few bay leaves
  • 2 or 3 cinnamon sticks
  • I typically just put a whole orange in the pot, but sliced orange or orange peels are just as good. 
  • Poking cloves in the orange has a two-fold effect:  1)the juices from the orange seep out and 2) it looks beautiful.  You can get as creative as you want with your clove design:

Isn't this beautiful?
My thoughts: Looks stunning, but...
Ain't nobody got time for that!

I'm tempted to fill a bowl with orange and clove pomanders for my Christmas party. Simply beautiful.

Place all of the ingredients in your pot, cover them with water, and simmer.  Add water whenever it gets too low.  My pot of spices usually lasts two days before I throw it out. 

{scratch and sniff}

Simple and it smells fantastic!

1 comment:

  1. I love the smell of Christmas too! Just bought the wax cubes today. I hope I love them as much as the spray.


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For our joy and His glory,
