
Five on Friday

Time changes for babies are the devil!  After almost 7 days of being a little "off", Joy is finally adjusting to the change.  The big girls--well, we had to put a digital clock in their room and order them not to come out until the clock read SEVEN-ZERO-ZERO.  So far, it's working!

fussy Joyful
I know there are haters out there of early Christmas decorating *bah-humbug*, but to each his own!  I am a huge fan of Christmas decor!  Last year, my father-n-law purchased me a gorgeous flocked tree after Christmas.  It was all I could do to wait until after Halloween to put it up!  It's stunning!

a sneak peek
My big girls share my love for all things Christmas!  They helped decorate their pink, candy tree!

happy little Christmas elves
I winterized my milk glass collection with painted pine cones. 

Joyful is half a year old!  Can't believe how fast she's growing and changing.  She's almost sitting up on her own and she is getting up on her knees and rocking back and forth like she's about to take off!

After a month of blogging every.single.day., I've had a few days off.  It's been nice.  I should be back next week with some home updates, a crock-pot recipe, and a craft!  Stay tuned.


  1. I am in that category of people that wait until after Thanksgiving to decorate for Xmas (because I love Thanksgiving so much too) but I am having a really hard time containing myself this year! haha

    Visiting from 5 for Friday!


  2. I love all of your house décor! And that flocked tree? Swoon worthy!

  3. Hi Leslie! So nice to meet another fellow blogger who is also from Hog Nation. :). I'm happy to see that you also have your Christmas Tree up, like me. It feels so good to finally get it finished once and for all though. :). Your girls are adorable and I am loving their pink Christmas tree! :). Thanks for stopping by to say hello! Hope to see more of you and I look forward to reading more of your blog. Have a great week ahead! :)

  4. I have a feeling I'm going to want to see the rest of your Christmas decorations for inspiration. That tree and milk glass -- GORGEOUS!!!! Thanks again for dropping by! :)


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For our joy and His glory,
