
Where I Am and What I'm Reading

Christians--we all have seasons of ups and downs.  There are times, spiritually speaking, when we stand on the peak of a mountaintop and other times when we fall deep into a valley.  Over the course of the past three years, I have been on some pretty incredible mountaintops. They have been nothing short of amazing and I have grown in understanding and fallen deeper in love with my Savior like never before.  But I have to keep it real and say that I've slid into a valley. And that's not to say that it's altogether a negative place, but it's a steady reminder that I'm in need of my Savior.  It's a reminder that a relationship, especially the most important one I'll ever know, takes work.  I'm in the word daily--continuing to read chronologically and I'm just now finishing up 2 Kings.  I pray, I seek, but unlike the mountaintops where abiding in Him seems effortless, my steps feel a little forced these days and I battle my will so consistently that it's embarrassing.  Still...I strive to be obedient, not out of legalism (can't count as obedience anyway), but because my obedience is an act of worship. 

Thankfully, time spent in His word reveals my sin--idol-worship, pride, deceit, complacency, lack of love, and on and on and on and on.  God's word is filled with truth that brings guidance, strength, assurance, peace, love, joy, and renewal. It's wonderful and I'm so glad that He never gives up on me.

And because I've always promised to BE REAL on this blog, that's where I am and with the Lord's help, I'm trying to stay disciplined--understanding that I can climb out of this valley one step at a time. Discipline yourself for the purpose of godliness.  I Timothy 4:7

Recently, a few friends and I started a Bible study through 1 John.  We are reading Warren Wiersbe's commentary, Be Real:  Turning from Hypocrisy to Truth.  It's wonderful! I am so thankful for God's Living Word and how it breaks down strongholds and changes, molds, sharpens, and equips us to be His disciples.  

I'm already thinking about and planning our next study.  Suggestions?  What are some studies that you've enjoyed?

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