
A Year Older

Let's just say that until I got an early birthday wish on FB, I had totally forgotten I had a birthday coming up.  I looked at the calendar and was informed that Saturday was my big day--32!

Graham and the girls didn't forget.  I was surprised with breakfast in bed...

a gorgeous cake...

...a Redbox and some snacks to enjoy.

Thanks for all the wonderful birthday wishes via Facebook, text, card, and phone calls.  I had a wonderful birthday!


  1. I don't know why, but I commented earlier today and it erased it! Crazy. But I was doing it from my phone. In the car. Waiting for the boys at school. Maybe that's why....
    Anyway, pretty soon you'll be like me. Since Sophie & I share a birthday, i NEVER remember that it's also MY birthday! I get asked all the time for gift suggestions. This month I said, "princess dresses, dress up shoes, hair chalk, lip gloss, nail polish....oh wait, you meant me?!?!?!" Yeah, I never once thought about what I wanted! Ha! Crazy. That'll be you and Joy!! Happy birthday again. Hope it was awesome. But I know the best present was that little bundle of Joy!

  2. you are still my little girl!!! Gaga


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For our joy and His glory,
