
You're Four!

I interviewed Miss Ava Grace in honor of her fourth birthday. . .

ME:  What's your favorite color?
AG:  Yellow
She has consistently answered "yellow"  for two years now.

ME:  What's your favorite movie?
AG:  Rio
She just saw this movie last weekend. I guess that it's fresh on her memory.

ME:  What is your favorite book?
AG:  The Cat in the Hat
That's news to me! 

ME:  What is you favorite TV show?
AG:  My favorite TV show is Dora the Explorer.

ME:  What is your favorite story?
AG:  Bible story
Um...that's pretty vague.

ME:  What is your favorite toy?
AG:  My favorite toy is Cinderella's Castle 

ME:  What do you want to be when you grow up?
AG:  I wanna be a Mommy
Aww...be still my heart.

ME:  What is your favorite drink?
AG:  I love strawberry milk even though I've never tried it!
This kid is hysterical.

ME:  Who is your best friend?
AG:  Edy is my best friend, but all of my friends are my best friends!
That's really sweet.

ME:  What is your favorite food?
AG:  My favorite food is hamburgers.
Yeah right...I don't believe you!

ME:  What is your favorite restaurant?
AG:  Um, my favorite restaurant....I love Jalapeno Tree.
She ain't lying.

ME:  What is your favorite holiday?
AG:  My favorite holiday is Christmas.
Boy, are we going to have fun! 
Happy Birthday, Peanut!  Mommy and Daddy love you VERY much!


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL and SMART young lady you are! Where has the time flown? Ava Grace your Na and Pops LOVE you forever and forever! Happy 4th Birthday Ava Gracie!! Love, Na and Pops

  2. She is just precious! They grow up WAY too fast!

  3. Love the pictures taken at the overlook. They turned out great. She's so photogenic. In fact, both of the girls are. And I know she's thrilled about her own iPod.

    Love to all four of you,
    Aunt Ann


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For our joy and His glory,
