
Sunshine Party

Ava Grace is FOUR
(just in case you didn't get the memo)  

This year, we had a quiet little celebration at home.  We've kinda had a little tradition going which entails a bigger "friend party" every other year.  So it was nice to enjoy AG's birthday without the stresses of planning a party.

BUT...........AG had some plans on her own.  Take a look at her birthday celebration requirements:
  • sunshine cake (the sun must have sunglasses and a smiley face)
  • musical chairs
  • face painting
  • she gets to help with decorations
Whew!  It was tough, but we accomplished everything on her list!

 *cheap decorations*
 *sunshine cake complete with sunglasses and smiley face*  CHECK!

 more cheap decor
*AG helped me make the "Happy Birthday" sign*  CHECK!

She got an iPod touch (refurbished) and iHome as her present. A while back, I did some research and determined that the iPod was the best hand-held game/educational device for the money.  The games are inexpensive, lots of educational stuff, she can listen to her music, HeyTell all of her relatives, have FaceTime with me via my iPhone4, and so much more.

Thank you, Family, for going in on this.  She loves it!
 Rosie was happy having cake.
 We have already been coming up with ground rules!!! HA....No, seriously.
My parents came down for the day.  With them, they brought my piano--more on it (and its history) later.
 *face-painting* CHECK!
What a good daddy!

*Oh, and by the way, we played one round of musical chairs.  It was kinda lame with four people and she lost interest.*  But it still deserves a CHECK!

I think Ava Grace's self-proclaimed "Sunshine Party" was a huge success!  If she is this involved in her 4th bday, no telling what's to come!  Guess she's Type-A just like her momma.

1 comment:

  1. Looks like everyone had a great time! Thanks so much for the pictures. Hug and Kiss those sweet girls for us! Love, Na


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