
Entryway Reveal

I posted this back in June of last year and I am reposting it so I can link up to Kelly's SUYL Foyer Tour.

This week, I have been a busy bee painting and slaving working on my entryway and living room.  My mother-in-law has been here helping me every step of the way and we tackled all of the painting together.  With a double pan ceiling reaching 11 feet tall, it has been no easy feat.  But, WE DID IT! (Does anyone else hear Dora singing!?!)

The living room has much to be done by way of decorating and finishing touches.  I am still waiting on the piano from my childhood and a really awesome mirror that I got for free.  I'll take pics and post them once those items are here and I can complete the room.  I did; however, finish the entryway.

This house has a very unusual entryway in that it is very large and without a distinct purpose.  I decided to make it into a reading room of sorts and I think we will be able to utilize it for reading, talking on the phone, quiet time, etc.  Oh the possibilities!

Fortunately, I took a pic of the room right after we moved in back in September.  At the time, the owners had left a couple of furniture pieces that are now gone.

Let me just say...I LOVE PINTEREST!  I got several of my ideas from there.  I have no problem giving credit where credit is due!
*Embroidery rings with vintage and/or new fabric--love.
*We painted the walls a nice gray.  I'm in love with this color. (Wet Pavement by Valspar)
*My grandmother gave me this mirror years ago.
*I painted the mirror and distressed it a bit.

*Rattan chair is another hand-me-down
*I have a small collection of milk glass that I just love.
*Kids' stats:  This cost me zero dollars, y'all!
The view as seen from the front door:  Living room straight ahead, office to the left, and reading nook to the right.

There you have it!!!
Hopefully there will be more reveals in the near future.


  1. What is the name of that paint color. THat is the color I have been wanting in my living room!

  2. It's called "wet pavement". It's Valspar paint from Lowe's. I chose an eggshell finish.

    It is so nice.

  3. LOVE it. I've had those embroidery hoops saved for months now too!! :) And that kid stat art is PRECIOUS. You are awesome.

  4. Kids stats are awesome! That's my style, high contrast, monochrome, typography. Well done! The rest of the place looks good too. Did Graham climb the ladder?

  5. Corey, I did the middle pan and tried to do the top pan, but got too scared. Graham did the top pan--He did a good job.

  6. Great transformation! Love the special touches

  7. I love the kids' stat. I may "borrow" for my three boys.

  8. I really like the "new" space.

    As you can tell, I'm slowly catching up on my SUYL reading :)


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For our joy and His glory,
