
Great Weekend

We are having a great weekend. Lots of family time, hugs and kisses, popcorn, and movies.  Megamind is hilarious and Buried is terrifying. I'm not suggesting it.
Whew...check out Edy's "dun-lap" syndrome! She's proud of her belly--embraces it really! Can't ya tell?
This girl comes up with some of the craziest "outfits" and I just can't get enough of it!
I was looking through AG's notebook and spotted these beauties.  Y'all know I love Bob Ross. :) Yep, her very own "Happy Trees".  She told me that the red dots are chipmunks. I'll take your word for it, Peanut.
This weekend our youth girls had a little retreat and asked me to lead the devotionals. I had fun hanging out with them last night and this morning.  I know that they had a blast--junk food, Just Dance on the Wii, movies, staying up too late, etc.  They are a great group of young ladies.

One last thing...Edy is talking so much these days.  I recorded her saying a couple of words.  They may be hard to understand, but you'll get the point.  She also sings a little bit from her "favorite" song.
Graham and I are headed out to see Lon Morris take on Jacksonville College in the play-offs.  I don't know who to root for, but it should be a great time with friends. 

Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend.


  1. Edy held her hand behind her back like ava used to. In the video I noticed it. sounds like the retreat went great. Love you guys. Gaga and Tat

  2. Awesome pics and your house looks like loads of fun!
    I need to come by and see those girly girls again.


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For our joy and His glory,
