
Valentine's Day--A Family Affair!

We get excited about holidays around here...even Valentine's Day.  Who doesn't like to celebrate? We embrace reasons to celebrate around our house.

Friday, we opened some gifts from our Valentine (hubby and daddy).
My sweeties!
Ooooo, Ariel card--her daddy knows her so well.
Yay! for the Chipmunk movie.
Yay! for cups to stack.
I got things that represent the 5 senses: candle, body scrub, Reese's heart, Crazy Love (I've been wanting to read this for a while--I'm late to jump on the bandwagon), Joshua Radin CD.  How clever is my guy?

Saturday, we had a dinner at church.  I was glad to have a sitter to watch the girls and some much needed adult time.  I laughed a lot!  It was nice.

My Valentine

This morning, we got up early and went to The Diner for a Valentine breakfast.  It was SO good.

Graham got us each a rose.  Ava--yellow, Edy--white, and me--red.  Ava's self-proclaimed favorite color is yellow and her daddy didn't forget. 

Tonight, we headed out for a generic Valentine's dinner at Olive Garden.  We had a gift certificate which made it even more awesome!  Before heading out, we tried to get a family pic by setting the timer on the camera.  Uhhhh, you can see for yourself how impossible this photo shoot was...
I love Graham's face in the 3rd picture.  It makes me laugh every time I look at it.

 All of our Valentine cards.  We are so loved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thanks to moms, dads, grandparents, aunts, and uncles for thinking of us!

What a fun Valentine's Day we had as a  family. I love making memories with my family.

I hope everyone enjoyed some time with their loved ones, no matter how cheesy this holiday can be.


  1. This is simply beautiful Leslie!

  2. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for sharing such a special event! I look forward to seeing every picture you share and reading every word that you write. The outtakes were so funny and cute! What would I do without your blog? Love to all - Na

  3. I love the day to. Your dad got me a basket with all the school nic nac stuff, it is cool. I got him a pair of Ecco shoes. He seemed to really like them. The family pics are hilarious. Edy was crying, i remember when Ava did that for her dedication day. Love Gaga

  4. Leslie, Your blog is simply unbeatable! This is such a special and beautiful account of your very special Valentine's Day! I feel really bad because I was such a slug about sending out anything to anybody!!!! Aunt Cherie


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For our joy and His glory,
