
Play Time

We recently got out some of AG's old toddler toys for Edy to enjoy. She likes these toys just as much as her sister did still does!  I get a kick out of watching them play together.  Right now, Ava is very bossy and Edy could care less!

Although Miss Edy is a Momma's girl and she loves playing with her sister, she also doesn't mind playing alone.  Often, when we are all playing together in the living room, she will wander off--usually to Ava's room. Every few minutes, I will peek in to find her looking at books, playing with toys, jabbering, and exploring.  It's so sweet.

1 comment:

  1. How sweet! I love getting to get peek into the girl's lives and see what they are up too. Sure do miss you all! Love, Na


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