
Potty Training 101

This Friday, I am planning on starting the potty training process. AG goes potty quite a bit in the toilet, but not consistently and never poopie. This weekend, we are diving in completely! No pun intended!  Any pointers? I read a lot of parenting books, but I have never studied-up on potty training. Tips are needed and welcomed!


  1. I think you can read all the information in the world about potty training but different things work for different children. With Owen we told him he was a big boy and big boys don't wear diapers. We never used pull-ups...just went straight to underwear. We tried to put him on the potty every 30 min to an hour for the first couple of days and made a big deal out of it when he went. Of course, he's had plenty of accidents but once he got the hang of it he's done really well. He does still wear a diaper at bedtime and was wearing one at naptime but we've started phasing that out. He has setbacks now and then and especially now that it's getting closer to Aiden's arrival and he has become obsessed with babies and acting like a baby himself. We're using a sticker chart right now to reinforce going potty and it's working really well. Hope everything goes smoothly!

  2. Hi Leslie,
    This is Lee Ann (I am Liz's sister in law, Jim's sis) I met you and Graham one summer, you guys came to our family cookout with Jimmy.
    Good luck on the potty training. I have three boys now and the first two were completey different. My oldest who is 5 was sooo easy. We had a basket we kept the diapers in and the week of we started telling him that when the diapers were gone he had to go potty like a big boy. He got it, and when they were gone he switched to the potty and never had any accidents. Our second is very strong willed and took us a whole year!!!! to potty train. Once you start, be patient and persevere. We also went straight to the potty and not a training potty. At lowes they have a tolilet seat that is for adults and it has a child size that lifts up and down for potty training.
    Hope it all goes well!

  3. We are just starting this "fun" journey as well, but you seem well ahead of us.

    I don't have any tips but I know there are lots in BlogFrog communities - just click the communities tab then type Potty Training in the search box.

    Thanks for being an awesome BlogFrog member, your widget looks great.


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