
Ava Grace is 9 months old!

Our little girl is 9 months old. This month she finally got her first two teeth and just today she has been standing without holding on to anything. It is so cool to watch her grow and develop.


  1. It's so amazing to see how much she has grown! I love to go back and look at each month and watch her little personality develope right along with her little body. Thank you for going to the trouble to make these pictures each month! They are priceless!!! I love you Ava Grace, Na

  2. She's going to holding that lamb in her lap before too long. What a cute picture! I also loved Casey's birthday video... specifically how the cameraperson (I'm guessing Graham) stayed with the shot even as Ava tumbled to the floor. But she stayed in character... what a natural!


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For our joy and His glory,
