

In the fall, I am always on the hunt for a delicious caramel apple. Today, we went to Kopper Kettle Candies and I spotted a gorgeous apple. They had many apples to choose from, but I chose the caramel apple covered in cinnamon and sugar. I thought it was a nice change from the chocolate drizzle with nuts. I was so glad that this year my caramel apple choice was the right one!


  1. This is one of our favorite places to go when we visit my parents (we also eat at Rolondo's absolutely every time)! I will have to try one of these apples if we ever visit in the fall.

  2. First of all- YUM! That apple looks absolutly amazing! Secondly, I'm a little worried about Jim and Pam too. And third (in response to your comment on our blog)- we are definatly NOT super family! :) It's JD's fall break and we've made this weekend/Monday our "family vacation"- we didn't get to go away this year, so this was it!


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For our joy and His glory,
