
Pulling the Plug

It's no secret that I've become the worst blogger in the world.  Technically, I don't even think I can call myself a "blogger" anymore.  Excuses:  We have terrible internet in our neck of the woods, these days I use Instagram as my "blog", and I just forget to post stuff here.  Just keepin' it real.

For many, many years this little corner of the internet has been my family journal.  And for a good long time, I really worked at it, enjoyed it, and connected with ladies around the blog-o-sphere.  But as time passes, technology progresses, life gets more involved (with growing kids and homeschooling), I find less and less time to devote to it.  A few weeks ago, I was tempted to pull the plug, delete it, and move on. Only, I haven't printed hard copies of my whole blog yet (something I really want to do).  I've printed copies of years 1-6 and still lack the last few years to print.  I plan on doing that real soon and hopefully I'll finish out 2017 with my Christmas home tour and call it good.  If I make it to Christmas, I'll have blogged for over 10 years--if you don't count the long, long sporadic breaks. Who's counting, right?

For those of you who've stuck around through it all...THANK YA! Get ready for post overload as I spend my summer "catching-up" the blog and getting ready to print this sucker.  My domain name expires at the end of December and I think that will be a good time to say good-bye.

It's been good, Our Joy...His Glory!  Thanks for the memories.  Literally!


  1. Blogging is fun but yes so much work! Most of the time I am just documenting life so it's probably boring reads to others! I'm so glad I came across your blog! I'll look forward to following along on IG!

    1. So glad to meet you in this blogosphere, Julie! Yes, we will keep up through IG.

  2. Well, you will be the 5th blog"friend" I say goodbye to this year (because I don't social media) but thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the lessons you have taught me, whether it's Grace through very rough times, me asking questions on recommended reading, and the beauty of family. I will miss you Leslie and all of the updates but I truly understand. 💟

    1. Yes...bittersweet for sure, B. I am going to miss your comments! But...I'm still here until Dec! Stay posted.

  3. Well, you will be the 5th blog"friend" I say goodbye to this year (because I don't social media) but thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of the lessons you have taught me, whether it's Grace through very rough times, me asking questions on recommended reading, and the beauty of family. I will miss you Leslie and all of the updates but I truly understand. 💟


I'd love to hear from you. Please leave me a comment.

For our joy and His glory,
