
Summer Lovin'

"Summertime and the livin' is easy...."  ????? 

Unfortunately, the past two weeks our family has been sick with some crud/cold--summer cold!  It's been the pits!  It's knocked us down a few notches, but we are finally on the mend.  I haven't been this sick in nearly 11 years (since first year of teaching).  After laying around for over 60 hours, I picked myself up and went to the doc and got some meds.

Oh yeah....in the midst of the sickness, Graham goes off and gets his phone stolen.  *theft is so infuriating*
On top of everything, I've been super busy with my new job as director of Classical Conversations in Tyler.  I am thankful for this new job and really excited about it!  With that said, I haven't had a lot of summer downtime.  
Even through the illness, sickness, and really, really busy times, we've managed to have some fun summer moments already....

family game time

EDY:  Mom, can we watch ELF after lunch?
ME:  You betcha!

I've had a few photoshoots!

Six Flags

bath shenanigans

bedtime movie

I have been planning ahead and have a post ready to publish every day this week!  Stay-tuned!


  1. Oh, the pic of Joy in the hat, adorable!!! Hope it's smooth sailing for the rest of your summer. Cutest girls ever!

  2. I'm glad to hear that you are all on the mend. Being sick during the Summer isn't fun at all. I'm looking forward to all of your new posts this week.

  3. It's been crazy...we are feeling so much better now!!!!! Thanks for stopping by, Nikki!


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For our joy and His glory,
