
Five on Friday

I'm back with a weekly update with the girls from Five on Friday.  Here goes...

Did you see my post about my awesome Mother's Day/Birthday/Anniversary gift?  Check it out HERE.  I'm lost as can be, but I'll get there.  After years and years on a PC I've made the switch to a Mac.  It's going to take a lot of work and time, but I'll get there!  I'm actually meeting up with a friend this afternoon for a little crash course!

Joy is ONE!  We had a wonderful time at our baby's first birthday.  Theme of the party:  A little bird told me...It's Your Birthday!  For more pics and details about her big day, click HERE.  

We've had some nice weather...

park and picnic with the girls

It never fails, each and every year I come home with some plants/flowers--hopeful and optimistic.  Each time, Graham looks at me with his little smirk and says something like, "Really?  Gonna try this again?"  

two weeks post potting

What am I doing wrong?  I read the instructions.  BLACK THUMB!

Have y'all seen BERNIE?  It's a hysterical movie based on true events which took place right here in East Texas. A few of the actors/extras are people I run into at Walmart from time to time.

Anyway...the real-life Bernie has been released from prison! It's crazy!!!  You can read more about it HERE.

Y'all have a fantastic weekend.  Don't forget to leave me some tips to learning a Mac after using a PC forever!


  1. aww Joy's bday looks so perfect!! I think I need to see Bernie just bc of the cast! haha Have a great weekend!

  2. Cat @ MaryMarthaMama.comMay 9, 2014 at 8:57 AM

    Thanks for the movie recommendation! I will have to check that one out. Have a great weekend!

  3. Don't you worry you are not alone in the black thumb club, I simply gave up though:( Have an awesome mothers day with precious one!

  4. i just made the switch to Mac as well from a PC. I am still trying to figure everything out. I think i will love it as I get more comfortable and I am sure you will, too!!

  5. I just don't have what it takes to make plants live...not at all!! Glad I'm not alone! :)

  6. That's encouraging, Chrissy!! We got this!

  7. Oh, my goodness, yes, Bernie was one of the funniest movies Hubby and I have ever seen. I cannot believe the "real" one is out of jail. I'll have to read about that.

    Great pics of you and Joy! Wishing you a wonderful Mother's Day!


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For our joy and His glory,
