
What {not} to Say

I just read a fantastic article over at Rage Against the Minivan that I just have to share.

Ever wondered what {not} to say to your friend struggling with infertility?  Here's the article for you!

Although we struggled with secondary infertility and our journey was a lot shorter than most, it was still hard nonetheless.  Check out our story, HERE.  There weren't a lot of people that knew about our situation (until my public post), but most of the ones that knew were very considerate.  But...I can tell you that we (mostly me) got just about every "what not to say" comment in the book.   The hardest comments for me were the ones pertaining to the fact that we already have children.  People just didn't understand why we would want to subject ourselves to the pain of infertility if we'd already been blessed to conceive and birth two healthy kiddos easily.

*Don't even get me started about the comments I got after my miscarriage.  My silent thoughts: I'm a Christian and I am totally aware of and affirm God's complete sovereignty.  I don't need to be reminded of it during this trial.  Just to be clear, God's sovereignty is very comforting, but it's not always a  needed response when someone is hurting.

Anyway, the guest blogger over at RATM says it better than me so go read the post and let me know what you think!  Oh, and pass it along!

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