
Dance Recital 2013

AG finished her first year of dance.  She was in a ballet and jazz fundamental class. We have been playing it by ear to see if this was something she would enjoy.  She has absolutelty loved it.  These last few weeks, she has been getting a little burned out.  I don't think she understood the concept of recital.  Boy, was she ever surprised!

She loved all of the hair and make-up. And the performance--well, it was the icing on the cake!

Na got to go with us to the recital and I was sure thankful.  She was a big help.

Joy was all geared-up for the night.

Edy was in awe.  absolute. awe.

AG was in her element. I'm not exaggerating one bit.  She loves performing!

jazz dance:  The Monkees

Isn't she gorgeous in her ballet attire?

ballet:  Ma Belle

finale:  Feel this Moment

AG and Edy both cried when the recital was over.  AG wanted to go back on stage and Edy wanted to watch more dances.  I am thrilled that they liked it so much.  I guess we will be signing-up for lessons in the fall. 

1 comment:

  1. I was so proud of Ava Grace. She knew her dances and it was easy to see that she loved being on stage. It was also fun to watch Edy Rose, and see how proud she was of her big sis! I loved every moment of the weekend!Love, Renee


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For our joy and His glory,
