
Na and Pops come to town

This weekend, Na and Pops came for a visit...

In tow, they brought me a new stove (their old one) and I sold my white one on Craigslist.  I've never sold on Craigslist, but I won't hesitate to do it again.  I've got several 'big ticket' items that we need to get off of our hands.  I posted this stove on Wednesday and it was gone on Friday.  How's that for easy?

{waiting patiently for Na and Pops to pull up)

{more gifts for Edy's birthday}

{KK knows Miss Edy well}

Productive weekend:
  • Truman got my new stove installed and I ordered a new stainless range hood.  
  • We painted my bathroom (last room in the house left to paint).  
  • Truman fixed our toilet that has been driving us crazy.  
  • Graham painted the nursery rocker and bookcase.  
  • Mrs. Renee made two pecan pies. (Got you back, Mrs. Renee) 
  • We had a wonderful steak dinner!
  • I hosted a discipleship group at the house while Graham, Na, Pops, and the girls went to Chuck E. Cheese.
That's my kind of weekend!  Productive, but spent with people we love!  Thanks, Na and Pops.


  1. I love Craigslist. I buy and sell everything on there. I am usually pretty cautious if I am selling a car or motorcycle to have a man around my home so people don't know if/when he may or may not be there. If it is something I can take away from my home I tend to meet them at Walmart or the Mall so there are people present. I love your new stove- like a mini facelift without much work.

    1. B, you are so right. I was super cautious. Graham was here. I had stove in the garage so that they didn't need to come inside. I had already said to them that I was only excepting cash. Fortunately, these guys seemed to be really legit and I have no worries. It's never a bad thing to be overly cautious.


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For our joy and His glory,
