
Prayer and Praise

Let me start this post by saying, How great is Our God!  Isn't He worthy of all of our praise?  Things don't always go as planned, but isn't it comforting that God is in control and He is on the throne!  Amen! 

I'm reminded of these truths daily, but even more during tough times.  I haven't had a chance to mention this, but Graham's brother has been in ICU for the past 23 days following a routine surgery  he had about four weeks ago.  After his surgery, he spent a few days in the hospital and then was discharged.  Everything seemed fine, but a few days later things weren't good and he was back in the hospital for another surgery that landed him in ICU in critical condition. A week after entering ICU, he was back in the OR for another surgery to find the infection that was keeping him so sick.  Luckily, the doctors found the issues and were able to take the steps necessary to get him on the path to recovery.  I'm here to tell you, these past weeks have proved very difficult for Corey and for his family and loved ones.  There have been a lot of uncertainties, close calls, etc.  Corey has been heavily sedated for most of the 23 days he has been in ICU, but over the past two days the doctors have lessened his medications and he is beginning to slowly wake up.  He is getting better, his white counts are almost normal, he is breathing on his own for the most part, and we are now confident that he is going to make a complete recovery.  Praise Him!  The coming weeks are going to be new for Corey.  He is going to need PT, speech therapy, lots of prayers.  He is very confused (he has been out of commission for nearly a month).  I know that baby steps are what the doctors are calling his progress, but I've been told of some leaps he has made over the past few days and I am so thankful! Please pray for him.

I don't know how my brother-in-law will feel about this post.  Get over it, Corey! lol.  I'm writing it because I love him and I miss him.  I am ready for him to be well. 

Corey has had an outpouring of love and support.  There have been countless letters, emails, texts, visitors, and gifts over these past weeks.  I praise God for that.  

To end, I'm posting a pic of Corey's nieces--my girls.  He is a great uncle to my babies and they miss him so much.  They pray for him every single night. 

Hope this makes you smile, Uncle Corey!

Get well soon, Corey.  WE LOVE YOU!  We are praying for you and we are praising God for your recovery!


  1. I'm sure these precious baby girls will put a smile on his face when he sees this.
    Prayer works! I see that today especially.
    Paul and Silas prayed and praised and the chains fell off and they were free! I bless His name!
    Read my post for today and you'll see how I know that prayer works!

  2. So sorry to hear this! I just saw that all this was going on via fb the other day. I even thought...Did I miss the blog that Leslie wrote about all this going on? So glad to hear that he is on the mend. Praying for your family!

  3. Our home group is praying for him, too! I had no idea!!! Chris brought it up as a prayer request. Still praying for him!!


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For our joy and His glory,
