
Cultivating the Canvas

A few weeks ago, I bought a blank canvas at Hobby Lobby and painted it (click HERE to see the painted canvas before the make-over). Thanks for the encouragement, Nester!  I hung it beside my piano, but it just seemed to be lacking something.  I stewed over it for a few weeks and finally came up with a solution.

Here's what I did:
  • bought a ton of scrapbook paper in patterns/styles that I like or things that represent my interest.  i.e. sheet music, mod patterns, typography, natural elements, Christmas sheet music, colors that go well together
  • made a template of a flower petal and cut out a bazillion of them
  • cut out two circles
  • laid the petals around the circles until I liked the pattern
  • Mod Podged (is that a word?) them to the canvas
  • Presto Change-o!



  1. COOL!!! I've started reading the Nester after you told me about the "Plantie Party" and I saw her canvas posts. Yours is Awesome.

  2. i love that! i love the colors and rustic backing!

  3. I love this! I have 4 canvasses that I covered in a mottled solid color and I have been trying to figure out what to do with them. This looks like the perfect craft to try. Thanks for the inspiration! I am your newest follower. I hope you'll stop by Posed Perfection for a visit and maybe even a follow back. Have a great week!

  4. This turned out FABULOUS! I'm featuring you on Saturday at It's Overflowing. Thanks so much for sharing your inspiration piece!!! XO, Aimee

  5. It's so amazing! I really want to do something like this!


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For our joy and His glory,
