
My Favorite {cleaning} Things

While I was cleaning, I got to thinking about all of those "favorite things" posts that bloggers do.  They always grab my attention because I love learning about products, specifically ones that are tried and true.

It's no secret that I love efficiency and things that make my life a little bit easier.  Don't we all?  

*drum roll please* 
Here are my favorite cleaning items (I know y'all are on the edge of your seats):
best. mop. ever.  
I've tried others and I always come back to my trusty Libman.
 Swiffer Dusters
These guys are so much better than a feather duster.  I think you can use them without spraying Pledge on them, but I don't trust them that much! *By the way, the commercials get on my nerves.* 
I like these better than Lysol or Clorox wipes because they are soft (more like a rag) and cheaper.  For me, they just down-right clean better.
If I could insert a scratch and sniff here, I would.  
I used to be a "strictly Pine-Sol" kinda girl until I was introduced to the ocean breeze scent a couple of years back.  But, a few weeks ago, I got a wild hair and tried the new lavender scent.  I know, I'm gutsy!  I can't stress enough how clean this makes my house feel and how wonderful it smells.  I have actually had a few guests compliment the smell of my house.  Thank you, Pine-Sol!
This stuff is definitely tried and true.  I use it about once a month after dusting.
They're magic for sure!  They take off soap scum, crayon, tough stains, etc., with little effort.  I'm in love.
Although I use a few other cleaning items, those are my faves.  One day, I'll give my girls some cleaning tips and they can help out.  Already, they both love to use the Swiffer Duster, but I always go behind them and do it again.  Is that bad?

What products get your house so fresh and so clean, clean?  I would love to know.  

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