
Making the best...

...of a pretty bad situation week.

I'll spare everyone the play-by-play, but Edy got sick on Sunday night, AG got sick on Tuesday night, and Graham got sick on Wednesday morning.  

Edy and AG have continued to get sick off and on since Tuesday.  AG has had it the worst and I feel terrible for her.  It has been bru-tal!

Through it all, we did manage to slip outside and have some much needed play time...

Graham did this to my sweet baby...

Check out this video of the girls playing in the pool:

If we tell Edy that we love her, she automatically comes to get kisses.  So sweet.
After swimming, this is where I found AG.

On a more serious note, please pray for sweet Ava Grace.  She really has been through the ringer.  I have been worried about her.  She won't eat or drink.  The few times that I have gotten her to drink or take a bite of dry toast, she gets sick.  I don't want her to get dehydrated.

As I write this  post, she is asleep on the couch.  It's 10:30am.  That is definitely out of the ordinary for my very active child!

1 comment:

  1. Sophie has ,he same swimsuit as AG!! Love it!!! Sorry y'all have been so sick. Been there, so I sooo feel your pain. Will she eat Popsicles? When we had it bad Ian woke up one morning & we knew we were gonna have to take him to the ER. But he sucked down 2 Popsicles (not sure why my iPad automatically caps Popsicles! Grrrrrrrrrrr auto correct!!!!!!!) & was better. He was same way, couldn't keep anything down either. Not even water. Sorry, my friend.


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For our joy and His glory,
