
Top Ten Tuesday

This week, it's all about my man!  Graham, there is absolutely no way that I could list all of the reasons why I love you, but here are ten.

Ten Reasons why I love my husband:

1.  He loves Jesus above all and he guides me in my walk with Christ.
2.  He is one heck of a dad.  He can play Strawberry Shortcake with the best of 'em!
3.  He is hilarious. He gets out of trouble by making me laugh and I hate it!
4.  He can play the guitar AND sing.
5.  He is very handsome.Weird enough, women actually tell me this all of the time!  Ha!  Probably as if to say, "What's he doing with you?"
6.  He puts his family first.
7.  He's passionate about the things he likes (i.e. football, movies, books, candy!).
8.  He's competitive. On game night, he never lets me win--even though I do win, a lot! (I'm competitive, too.  Can you tell?)
9.  He is smart.
10. I never question that he loves me.

Sorry for the sappy list, but Graham and I have been apart a lot over the last month and a half.

I love you, Babe.

1 comment:

  1. Love your post and pics. They are fun to look at and catch up on. Give the girls a kiss, and tell Graham hello!! Love Gaga


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