
Mother-Daughter Brunch

This morning was our Mother-Daughter Brunch at church. It was so much fun to fellowship with all of the ladies of our church along with their mothers and/or daughters. Graham took AG to Conway for Toad Suck Daze so I was able to take Edy and have a special day with her. It has been so much fun spending the day together.
Here are the strawberries I made for the event. Delish!
These are the gorgeous flowers L picked from her yard. Wow! I wish I had a green thumb!
The fabulous spread. I just love brunch foods...they are so dainty and girly.
We are back at home and I have some great plans for us. We are going to have a relaxing, fun day together while AG and her daddy have a "daddy-daughter day".

1 comment:

  1. Meant to tell you that I LOVED your outfit at the brunch!! Kept forgetting to tell you!


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For our joy and His glory,
