
C-ya 5th grade

Tomorrow will be my last day as a 5th grade teacher...at least for another year. Next school year, I will be taking on a new challenge--looping. I'm going to be teaching my very same students in my same classroom next year. The only difference is that I will teach 6th grade curriculum.  I will be a 6th grade teacher for the first time. I am excited to see how well this "experiment" works out. For now, I am concentrating on my last day of school with the kiddos. I'm also getting geared up for my fun-filled summer with my little girl. Whoohoooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. They do looping at the elementary in Conway where I did my student teaching. I think it is so terrific (oh, unless you have some demon kids, I guess). I hope you enjoy the new challenge!


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For our joy and His glory,
