When I was in the fifth grade, my teacher asked us to write a note to each of our classmates. All of the letters were compiled to make a book. Each student got a book of personal notes from his/her classmates. I still remember a couple of the notes that were written to me:
Leslie always uses recycled paper. AND
Leslie always sticks her tongue out when she colors.
Remember how recycled paper used to be gray and thin? My mom used to buy that stuff for me.
I digress...When I am deep in concentration,
I still stick my tongue out and rest it on my top lip. Graham says he notices it when I am cleaning, crafting, fixing something, and sometimes when I type.
Well...my little girl does it, too. I catch her sticking that little tongue out and resting it on her top lip just like me. It is so funny to see my quirky habit in my daughter.

Walking down the steps...see that tongue?