
Ava Grace is 12 months old!

Our little girl is 12 months old or 1 year old...whatever you want to call it. We laugh when people say, "My child is 27 months old." When is it okay just to say, "My kid is two"?  This is the last picture we will take with Lamby.  They have been fun, but also a pain. I can't believe she is a year old. Wow, this has been an incredible year. Tonight, Graham, Ava Grace, and I will have a family party. We are going to offer her a little more cake and ice cream and spend time with one another. Two years ago August 13th was just another day. Now, it will be a day of celebration! I love it!!!

1 comment:

  1. This has been so much fun - watching her grow and change so much in 12 months! Thanks for sharing!

    Love you,

    Aunt Cherie


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For our joy and His glory,
