
{new} coffee table

A few days ago, I was doing some cleaning at the church and came across an old coffee table.  I asked around and nobody wanted it (it was about to get trashed) so I brought it home.  After some tlc, sanding and staining, I have a new (to me) coffee table.
I wish I had taken a pic before I did the make-over.  It looks a whole lot different now.

I {think} that's all of the home/craft posts for a while. Pics of the kids coming soon!


Revamp an Old Canvas Painting

I've been getting brave--remember my home goals post?  

I focused on these two goals when I did this project:
  1. I'm not going to be scared to do what I like 
  2. I'm going to be frugal
How many of you have a canvas "painting" just hanging around that sparks no interest and just fills a space to fill a space?  I DO!!!! I DO!!!!

I got a wild-hair (do people still say that?) and took some initiative, didn't worry about messing up, and I think I made something sort-of nice.  By the way, I didn't steal this one from Pinterest!!  Yay for using my own mind! 


Step One:  I painted over the "painting" with black spray paint (Chalkboard paint would be cute if you wanted to take this project in a different direction.)
*tip:  My painting had texture, but it wasn't in any certain shape.  If you have a painting where the brush strokes are raised, you will need to sand them down so the design doesn't show through.

Step Two:  After the paint dried, I covered it up with paper and painters tape and spray painted the frame a creamy white.

Step Three:  When I peeled off the tape and paper, I had some spots where the spray paint leaked a bit.  I took a black Sharpie marker and touched it up.

Step four:  I painted the canvas.  I free-handed the word faithfulness with a paint pen and then stenciled the rest of the words with acrylic craft paint and a sponge.

Step Five:  I touched up the mess-ups with a black paint pen.

 So..........it's not perfect.  I can pick out about five things I wish I could fix, but that's not inline with my goals, right?


New Wreath

After church, some of the ladies hung around and worked on different craft projects. 

Here's what I made:

I've never made rosettes before and I found a tutorial on...wait for it...PINTEREST!

I need more practice, but I like how they turned out.  I'm excited to make some hair clips for the girls, maybe one of those bib necklaces for me, who knows--the possibilities are endless!


Makeshift Mudroom

I've always loved the idea of a mudroom.  Hmmmm...if you know me well enough you know that {MUD}room and me don't quite go together.  I don't know...I guess I just like cubbies, lockers, baskets, a small space for everyone to put a few items, etc.

I would love a piece like this...
Even better, this:

But for now, I'll have to settle for a little space I created with 12 bucks!

A while back, a friend of mine was getting rid of an old bench and I saw it as an opportunity to {be creative}.

So, I painted it, hated it, and stuck it outside.

After Christmas, my sweet mother-in-love saw it outside and suggested I bring it in to fill a small narrow space I have by the backdoor(s).  I argued that it was ugly, but she won!  I also had an old mirror that was in AG's nursery that I hung above it.  I bought a basket and a coat rack to finish the project. Done!

 AND, I haven't given up on those lockers.  I'm on the look-out.


Rainy Day Fun

It's been raining and raining and raining...  

So....we've been painting and painting and painting...
And I don't mind at all...
Cause the the clean-up is as easy as turning on the shower!



Reese's Peanut Butter Cups Minis
my. new. favorite. candy.

Today, Graham came home for lunch (something he rarely does) with a sweet card and a package of these. What a nice surprise! Hello, 360 unexpected calories!


Happy Birthday, Edy Rose!

Today is Edy's birthday and we had a little party to celebrate her special day.  

Keeping with tradition, we've been trying to have a bigger {more extravagant...if you wanna call it that} party every other year. Last year, we had a huge shindig for Edy's first birthday.  This year we kept it simple and cheap

Edy loves The Veggie Tales and I thought that would be simple enough to do--WRONG!  Walmart discontinued Veggie Tales cakes, Great American Cookie can't use them because they are a trademarked cartoon, I don't can't  make cakes, and I didn't want to spend more than 20 bucks--which ruled out any special bakeries.  Brookshires does edible images so I printed a picture of Bob and Larry and they applied it to a cake.  One problem...when we got the cake home, we found a misspelling: "Happy 2cd Birthday, Edy Rose".  I called the store and they made a whole new cake.  In a nut shell, I got the cake for free! Now how's that for a cheap party!?!

Cute enough. 
Cheap decorations (i.e. 5 minutes = print outs from the internet, construction paper, popsicle sticks, mason jars, and tissue paper)
It wouldn't be a Veggie Tales party without...VEGGIES! Uh huh, I spot Bob and Larry on that tray (poor guys).
I made this sign a while back and it makes an appearance at all of our birthdays.
The Birthday Girl!
Make a Wish!

AG was SO excited for Edy!
Edy got a CAR--a Cozy Coupe.
Nice Ride!

Parking the car outside of the cabin (All of this stuff will be making it's way out of my living room and into the yard VERY SOON!)


Growing Girl!

Somebody's TWO!

Edy's two! 

Last week, I took some pictures of her in honor of her second birthday!  Here are a few of my favorites.