
Happy Birthday, Edy Rose!

Today is Edy's birthday and we had a little party to celebrate her special day.  

Keeping with tradition, we've been trying to have a bigger {more extravagant...if you wanna call it that} party every other year. Last year, we had a huge shindig for Edy's first birthday.  This year we kept it simple and cheap

Edy loves The Veggie Tales and I thought that would be simple enough to do--WRONG!  Walmart discontinued Veggie Tales cakes, Great American Cookie can't use them because they are a trademarked cartoon, I don't can't  make cakes, and I didn't want to spend more than 20 bucks--which ruled out any special bakeries.  Brookshires does edible images so I printed a picture of Bob and Larry and they applied it to a cake.  One problem...when we got the cake home, we found a misspelling: "Happy 2cd Birthday, Edy Rose".  I called the store and they made a whole new cake.  In a nut shell, I got the cake for free! Now how's that for a cheap party!?!

Cute enough. 
Cheap decorations (i.e. 5 minutes = print outs from the internet, construction paper, popsicle sticks, mason jars, and tissue paper)
It wouldn't be a Veggie Tales party without...VEGGIES! Uh huh, I spot Bob and Larry on that tray (poor guys).
I made this sign a while back and it makes an appearance at all of our birthdays.
The Birthday Girl!
Make a Wish!

AG was SO excited for Edy!
Edy got a CAR--a Cozy Coupe.
Nice Ride!

Parking the car outside of the cabin (All of this stuff will be making it's way out of my living room and into the yard VERY SOON!)


1 comment:

  1. Loved the pictures! She will have hours of fun in that car. Thanks for sharing, it's almost as great as being there! Love, Na and Pops


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For our joy and His glory,
