
FIVE on Friday

WELCOME!!!!  After a few months "off" from participating in FIVE on FRIDAY...I'm back!  A little late...but back!

Although it's still hot...summer is winding down. 

We are SO busy and I like it, but I also miss leisurely days.

Random:  I LOVE Whataburger's Spicy Ketchup.  If I "happen" to grab a few too many, they always come home with me.  Is that stealing?

Found dead in the kitchen...

Is that what I think it is? 

Sometimes I get random tweets from people who confuse me with Le$liE H. from LHministries (google him).

I mean...hysterical!!

I sure do "lower the boom" from time to time though!

The things people sell on the FB Shop till you Drop are always a bright spot in my day...

I took a screen-shot of this ad straight from my news feed.  He's for real.


Y'all come back WEDNESDAY for our no-fuss link-up party, What You Wish Wednesday!  You can link-up any recent post from your blog.  

Happy Friday, y'all!!!!


  1. Ohh, that peach looks amazing!

    I would have flipped out about the spider! ::shudders:: At least it was dead!

    I love the name of your blog, and the layout, it's so pretty! One day when I grow up maybe I will get a custom layout for mine! :)

    Have a wonderful weekend!

  2. thanks, Julia!! That spider was CRAZY to find in the kitchen!
    I only just got a blog layout about 6 months ago...prior to that, it was all me and it looked okay. It takes time...no worries. Love you blog!!

  3. Oooh a black widow. I have those all the time. Since I have my little puppy and can't use sprays because they cause seizures, I use those glue boards. In Montana we have hobo spiders too and they are extremely poisonous. I found one that looked too close to that so I copied my mom and got those. They are awesome and safe. I probably have 10 or 12 of them in my whole 900 sq feet :-)
    And I found if I am not on wi-fi I can post comments :-)
    Have a happy labor day.

  4. Yum that peach looks delicious, that spider and stripper pole do not! Haha

  5. Great five! That spider looks very Halloweenish. :o)) Stripper pole, mercy me! Happy long weekend!

  6. That peach is huge! Looks so good, though. And the stripper pole? haha I love that it's only for sale because he couldn't get it set up.

    Thanks for stopping by! Have a great weekend :)

  7. Haha! A stripper pole for sale on FB? That's too funny. I love peaches and Whataburger ketchup too for sure :)


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For our joy and His glory,
