
Daily Bible Study

I'm linking up with Kelly today!  I know, I'm shocked too--maybe I'll start playing the blog game more.

Right now, I am reading through the Bible and using my ESV Study Bible commentary along with my reading.  I recently finished I Samuel and Luke, along with reading some from Psalms and Proverbs each day.

I like to read a book along with my Bible study.  Here are some of my favorite authors:
A.W. Tozer, John Piper, Francis Chan, Warren Weirsby, Timothy Keller, and David Platt (just to name a few).

Like I said in an earlier post, I am currently reading Forgotten God by Francis Chan.

One of the major topics he addresses is Exegesis vs. Eisegesis.

Exegesis:  an attempt to discover the meaning of the text objectively, starting with the text and moving out from there.

Eisegesis:  to import a subjective, preconceived meaning into the text.

Check out this quote:

The bottom line is that we can easily pursue just about any lifestyle we desire, then find Scriptures to show everyone it's all right to live that way.  But what would it look like to live exegetically?  If we were to start with Scripture and allow it to dictate our actions, how would we live?

This is my prayer...that I (we) would study the scriptures and allow God's words to mold me (us).


  1. Thank you for your sweet comment! The process of finding a new church is like dating, but I believe that I will know when I find the right one! :)

    I haven't read Francis Chan yet, but I picked up Crazy Love a while back and hope to dig in this fall!

  2. Here is a link to my post on the Virtual BS http://scgalloways.blogspot.com/2011/09/virtual-bible-study.html
    You should join us. Let me know if you have any questions!

  3. Thanks for the post and for the comment! It was a trmendous blessing to be pastored by Francis Chan. I'm so glad you are studying his book right now. I did a study if Forgotten God with the women in my community group and it changed our lives! :)

  4. I will defintely, have to check out this book. Thanks for stopping by and sharing! Have a great weeknend. I've enjoyed reading your blog. :)


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For our joy and His glory,
